
  • Fonseca Porto Bin No.27 Finest Reserve 375ml

    Fonseca Bin No. 27 was created over a century ago for family consumption, and only released commercially in 1972. It is produced primarily from wines from Fonseca's own quintas in the Cima Corgo and thus shows an exceptional quality and consistency from year to year. Blended from reserve wines selected for their superb fruit character and depth of color, it's well-knit structure, rich, velvety full body and luscious blackcurrant and cherry flavors, also dominant in the bouquet, finish on an intense, lingering note.

  • Graham's Six Grapes Reserve Porto 750L

    W&J Graham's established 1820. Alcohol 19.5%. The name Six Grapes refers to the symbol Graham's has always used to classify wines made from the harvest on a scale of one to six. Six Grapes denoting the lots which could potentially end up as components of our great Graham Vintage Ports. Individual vineyard parcels and different grape varieties from Graham's five key vineyard properties, Malvedos, Tua, Lages, Vila Velha and Vale de Malhadas are separately vinified, and the lots with the most concentration, structure and the brightest fruit are given the coveted Six Grapes classification. Six grapes is a perfect wine to accompany dark chocolate or bleu cheese, or simply to relax with at the end of the day.

  • Taylor Fladgate 10 Yr Tawny Porto 750ml

    From the winery... ”An exceptionally fine old blend, aged for an average of ten years in oak casks. Elegant and smooth, combining delicate wood notes and rich mellow fruit. It is bottled for immediate drinking. Excellent with soft cheeses such as brie, and a superb dessert wine, particularly with dishes made with coffee or almonds. Taylor 10 year Tawny Port is delicious served lightly chilled at the end of the meal."