Barefoot Bubbly Prosecco 750ML
Barefoot Bubbly Prosecco is a crisp and inviting sparkling wine with soft citrus flavors that dance through delicate bubbles. Keep it sweet with some fresh fruit or heat it up with your favorite spicy dish.
Ca' Momi Ca' Secco 750ML
Ca' Momi this refreshing and gently frizzante white wine has hints of tropical flavors with delicate notes of pear, apples and lemon zest and tastes of stone fruit from the apricot family.
Cupcake Prosecco 750ML
Cupcake Prosecco is light and refreshing with a nose that shows hints of white peach, grapefruit and honey-dew melon. The fine effervescence gives way to creamy flavors of ripe lemons and refined citrus notes with a toasted brioche finish. Medium froth, our Prosecco is reminiscent of lemon meringue pie. Pairs well with gorgonzola crostini. and melon wrapped in prosciutto.
Enza Prosecco 750ML
Balance of acidity and sugar turn this wine into a delicate sparkling wine. The bouquet bursts with fruity scents of pear and green apples with a lightly floral and citrus note. In the mouth, this wine exhibits the same characteristics as in the bouquet.
LaMarca Prosecco 750ML
This sparkling wine is a pale, golden straw in color. Bubbles are full textured and persistent. On the nose the wine brings fresh citrus with hints of honey and white flowers. The flavor is fresh and clean, with ripe citrus, lemon, green apple, and touches of grapefruit, minerality, and some toast. The finish is light, refreshing, and crisp.
Lunetta Prosecco 750ML
Lunetta color: Pale straw with greenish reflections, fine bubbles and a creamy white foam. Bouquet: Fragrant, with enticing aromas of apple and peach. Taste: Refreshing, dry and harmonious, with crisp fruit flavors and a clean finish.
Secco Italian Bubbles Moscato 750ML
Secco White peach, lychee and jasmine in the aroma and on the palate. This wine is so flavorful, and at 5% alcohol, one glass is never enough!
Secco Italian Bubbles Rose 750ML
This Glera (Prosecco) and Pinot Blanc blend has crisp aromas of roses and cherries on the nose. On the palate, it is dry and balanced with fresh flavors of apples, cherries, lots of red berries and a bit of dough with a refreshing finish.
Stellina di Notte Prosecco 750ML
Stellina is a fresh, light Prosecco with aromas of citrus, pear, melon, lemon and almonds. On the palate, you'll find a hint of buttered toast, with good acidity and a touch of sweetness at the finish.