
  • Seghesio Venom 750ML

    Punch-down fermentation and varied maceration techniques provide the rich hues and ripe cherry, black currant/berry varietal characteristics. Judicious use of French oak heightens the fruit expression and adds a spicy complexity. Venom pairs well with red or mushroom-based sauces, grilled fish and any meats. Growing and producing world-class Sangiovese is not for the faint of heart. Rattlesnakes, thistle and America's most unique clone of Sangiovese are all that thrive atop Rattlesnake Hill on our Home Ranch. The 40% slope, shallow topsoil and virtually impenetrable volcanic shale are the perfect antidote for taming this vigorous varietal into producing intensely flavored grapes.

  • Sesti Rosso di Montalcino 750ML

    Is a brilliant vintage in Montalcino as this Rosso ably indicates. Simply released at a younger age than its older brother, the Rosso di Montalcino from Sesti displays rich, dark fruit with a delicious plush purity. There is a serious texture here with crunchy, spicy fruit, squashed strawberries and cherries leading to a mineral-inflected finish which is both focused and poised.

  • Some Young Punks The Squids Fist 750ML

    Some Young Punks a typically vibrant, juice-fuelled drop of liquid elixir. Suave, perfumed black and dark fruits, cherry essence, spice, dark chocolate and liquorice. There is a complexing hint of 'old-world' earthy rusticity flowing cheek by jowl with great vitality, freshness and presence on the palate.

  • Stefano Farina Solers Rosso Toscana 750ML

    Stefano Farina excellent balance, soft but decisive taste, consistent bouquet with primary aroma of red fruits (cherries and black cherries) with a touch of vanilla flavour. The intense ruby red colour with blue tints is a sign of good longevity. Screw cap top is a guarantee of stability in taste. This is the ideal wine to serve with all dishes, perfect if served also between courses.

  • Tenuta di Nozzole Chianti Classico Riserva 750ML

    "Round and supple with cherry and strawberry flavors accented by licorice tar and spice notes. Harmonious and fresh presenting a lingering aftertaste of fruit and spice.

  • Tiamo Organic Chianti 750ML

    Tiamo Chianti has a deep garnet color and has an intense bouquet with hints of licorice and spice and red fruits. It is fruity but soft. It pairs perfectly with roasted/grilled meats, stews, pastas with red sauces, pizza and firmer cheeses.

  • Toscolo Chianti Classico Riserva 750ML

    Toscolo this Riserva, from 90% Sangiovese, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon and 5% Merlot, achieves further depth, richness and elegance from its élevage, partly in large oak casks for 24 months, and partly in barrique for 6 months, previous to 3 months in the bottle. Top vintages improve for well over a decade.
