Sauvignon Blanc

  • [yellow tail] Sauvignon Blanc

    Yellow Tail Sauvignon Blanc is pale straw in color with vibrant citrus, passion fruit and fresh grassy scents on the nose and a tantalizing palate of limes, tropical fruit and green apples. The lengthy finish shows good depth of flavor with crisp, refreshing acidity.

  • Andronicus Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Andronicus the inaugural vintage of Andronicus Sauvignon Blanc exudes refreshing aromas of lemon, lime, stone fruits, melon, and floral notes which all carry through to the palate. The wine's elegant, crisp acidity is balanced and although its style is light and lively, the lees aging resulted in a supple, alluring mouthfeel that lingers and evolves into tropical fruits and golden delicious apple throughout the medium length finish. This Sauvignon Blanc is meant to be enjoyed for its youthful, vivacious flavors and is ready drink now or over the next three years.

  • Barefoot Sauvignon Blanc

    Barefoot Sauvignon Blanc is bursting with summer fruit flavors like honeydew melon, nectarine and peach. Pear and lime notes meld into a soft finish. Pack a picnic basket with some fresh veggies and mild cheese, find a sunny spot and uncork!

  • Bell Sauvignon Blanc Lake County 750ML

    Sauvignon Blanc has high acidity and zesty citrus flavors that make this a natural with tangy or Asian influenced dishes. We recommend ours with goat cheese stuffed chicken breast, Thai chicken skewers or a Chinese chicken salad.

  • Beringer California Collection Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Beringer California Sauvignon Blanc has a pleasant aroma that is mildly rich. It is soft, smooth and easy; light-hearted with core fruit flavors that play on the palate.

  • Beringer Founders Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    "This Sauvignon Blanc is one of my favorites as I find it immediately quaffable and charming. There is a wonderfully refreshing grapefruit flavor along with a clean grassy note that makes it an ideal for many meals and enjoying anytime the sun is out or you’re just craving some!” - Mary Sullivan, Winemaker, Beringer Founders’ Estate

  • Bevan Dry Stack Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Bevan having made this wine for Dry Stack in the past, we knew it might be the most special Sauvignon Blanc in Sonoma County. This has blown our minds from the day it arrived at the winery. Explosive guava and pineapple drive this decadent wine from the second you pull the cork. It is the showiest Sauvignon Blanc we have ever made.

  • Black Box Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    A light-to-medium-bodied, mouthwatering white wine with tropical and citrus flavors with a clean, dry finish.

  • Bogle Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Bogle vibrant and fresh…this Sauvignon Blanc is easy to enjoy. Bogle winemakers use reductive winemaking techniques and cold fermentation in stainless steel tanks to create a classically-styled wine which captivates the true varietal essence of the grape. Lively citrus zest and lemongrass notes color the nose, while the clean and and refreshing flavors of key lime and freshly cut grass are intensely aromatic. The mouthfeel, bracing with acidity, remains laced with touches of softer, enticing fruit. Finishing crisp and satisfying, this wine makes your mouth water for more! Bogle's Sauvignon Blanc is a great accompaniment to a wide range of appetizers and light dishes, especially fish and shellfish, spring greens, goat cheese and fruit salsas.

  • Bonterra Sauvignon Blanc Organically Grown 750ML

    Intense aromas of grapefruit, citrus, kiwi and fresh cut grass greet the nose. As you drink, the crisp acidity gives the wine a fresh vibrant feel with flavors of grapefruit, lime zest and grass that closes with favors of melon and a nice tart finish.

  • Cakebread Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Cakebread the startlingly fresh, vivid aromas of our Sauvignon Blanc literally leap out of the glass, redolent of just-cut white grapefruit, bracing gooseberry, lime and kiwi, and ripe honeydew melon, with subordinate spice and vanilla scents. On the medium-bodied palate, the wine's ripe grapefruit, guava, melon, green apple and mineral flavors are remarkably rich, intense, concentrated and vibrant, with a long, full finish packed with fresh fruit and mineral/chalky (a la White Bordeaux) tones. This is our 38th vintage of Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc, and it's a doozy, unquestionably one of our best. Savor it over the next 3-5 years as an ideal apèritif wine and with your favorite salad, seafood, poultry and pasta dishes.

  • Carmenet Chardonnay 750ML

    Carmenet Chardonnay is a lovely straw-colored wine with hints of apple, banana, and vanilla. This opulent and sensual wine finishes with butterscotch and tropical fruit and ends with a smooth crisp enjoyable finish. Enjoy.

  • Chasing Venus Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Chasing Venus wines are produced from grapes grown on small family farms in the acclaimed Marlborough appellation. Griggs Vineyard is situated in an old riverbed against the eastern hills of the appellation. The gravelly, well-drained soils promote pronounced grapefruit flavors. The Burdon-Shutkowski vineyard is located near Grove Town, at the very southern edge of the Marlborough appellation, and produces fruit with a wonderful balance of herbal and citrus and stony mineral notes.

  • Château Montelena Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Château Montelena Sauvignon Blanc is brilliant and pale gold in color with aromas of honey, orange blossom, warm oak, and caramelized bananas. On the palate, this wine is fresh and clean with a wonderfly juicy mouthfeel and complexity throughout. The acidity is firm but not tart. This Sauvignon Blanc is loaded with bright citrus, tropical starfruit, and a rich, slightly spicy finish with a touch of Meyer lemon custard.

  • Cliff Lede Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Cliff Lede enticing aromas of white peach, cantaloupe, and orange blossom are complemented by bright, citrus notes of lemon curd and zest. Tropical flavors of pineapple and carambola introduce a rich and concentrated palate that finishes with persistent minerality.

  • Clifford Bay Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Our Sauvignon Blanc is all about expressive fruit flavours. The wine possesses a light straw colour and tropical aromas of grapefruit and passion fruit. The palate exhibits the same fine flavours followed by a crisp, dry, mineral finish.

  • Clos du Bois Sauvignon Blanc North Coast 750ML

    Pale silver straw in color with a slight green tint, our Sauvignon Blanc has lively lime zest aromas and flavors of white grapefruit, gooseberry, delicate florals, and lemongrass. A slight hint of minerality and juicy citrus flavors lead to a crisp, lingering finish.

  • Clos Pegase Mitsuko's Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Clos Pegase our Mitsuko's Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc possesses intense, complex and inviting aromas of guava, passion fruit, Meyer lemons, pineapple, kefir lime leaf, lemongrass and verbena, with undertones of gooseberry, nectarine and flint. The wine demonstrates concentration, vibrancy and minerality, with a pitch-perfect acidity counterbalanced by richness, depth and lengthy fruit flavors.

  • Concha Y Toro Casillero del Diablo Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Casillero del Diablo Sauvignon Blanc is thecolor of straw with green hues. The aromas are fresh and attractive with hints of citrus, peaches and gooseberry. On the palate, the wine is elegant, round, and mouth-filling. The wine is also balanced with attractive, crisp acidity.

  • Crane Lake Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Notes of melon, citrus, apple and lemongrass provide a lingering soft finish. This wine pairs well with apples and pears. For the main course try it along with baked chicken, grilled Ahi tuna or Coquille St. Jacques.

  • Cupcake Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Cupcake it's the long cool seasons in the South Island that allows our sauvignon blanc grapes to mature slowly, giving the wine levels of complexity and a vibrant zing. This Sauvignon Blanc is reminiscent of a lemon chiffon cupcake. It's made up of integrated flavors of Meyer lemons, Key limes and a finish that awakens the appetite There are hints of grapefruit, gooseberry and citrus, and comes together with a long, creamy finish. Serve chilled with oysters on a half shell or with a rich and succulent lobster risotto.

  • Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc brings the luscious, clean fruit characters of New Zealand's Wairau Valley into harmony with the flinty characters of the Awatere for a wine filled with melon, citrus and fresh tropical flavors and a richly structured palate. This lovely wine will complement a wide variety of food, and is especially vibrant alongside goat cheese and a fresh green salad.

  • Domaine du Salvard Unique Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Domaine du Salvard all wines are vinified in temperature-controlled stainless steel cuvees. All wines age on fine lees and are bottled unfiltered. Six-day maceration for red wines. The Delaille brothers have focused their attention on growing fresh, lively Sauvignon Blanc, deeply rooted in the sand, clay, and limestone plains of northeastern Touraine.

  • Duckhorn Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Duckhorn Sauvignon Blanc is thought to take its name from the French word sauvage ("wild"). Sauvage has also come to describe wines made more naturally, with native yeasts and little intervention. This distinctive Sauvignon Blanc comes from three-decades-old Napa Valley vines. These head-trained, dry-farmed vines have yielded a vivacious wine that combines tropical and citrus elements with crisp acidity and a streak of wild herbaceousness.
