
  • Adelsheim Calkins Lane Vineyard Syrah 750ML

    It might seem odd to plant Syrah in the heart of Pinot Noir country, but it’s one of the mysterious charms of the Northwest, where Riesling and Cabernet can also grow successfully side by side. This wine has deep color, excellent balance, true varietal expression, and seductive hints of smoke, cured meat, and a salty tang. Purple berry flavors are just ripe enough; it’s an elegant, restrained style, suggesting that the Willamette Valley can put a unique stamp on this grape.

  • Amavi Syrah 750ML

    Amavi scents of violets, mixed berries and black plums lead to dusty notes of white pepper and gravelly earth. Full flavors of blueberries, blackberries and dates lead to hints of citrus-marinated smoked meats. Remarkable structure and balance lead to a robust, lingering finish.

  • Amici No Curfew Red Blend 750ML

    Amici this wine opens with aromas of violets, blackberries and hints of spice, leading to gorgeously fruited layers of blackberry, cherry and blueberry with a dash of mocha. The lush initial mouthfeel leads nicely into a mid-palate with excellent structure and balanced acidity. Dark berries dominate the finish, which is clean and long. This wine pairs exceptionally with grilled steaks, lamb chops, and flavorful cheeses.

  • B Cellars Syrah 750ML

    Cellars Syrah has a fantastic color of deep, dark ruby and purple hues. Delicious notes of stewed plums, candied black fruit and baked cherry pie are laden with sweet oak and briary undertones. A stunning and broad palate with firm and consistent flavors of black stone fruit, dried currants and minerality; this wine possesses bright and complex tannins making it cellar worth for 8-10 years.

  • Barefoot Shiraz

    Barefoot Shiraz has deep breaths of lavender cut in front of dark berry and mocha flavors. A vanilla finish makes sure that it really is love at first sip. Love affairs include red sauce pastas, red meats and sharp cheese.

  • Bell Big Guy Red 750ML

    Bell the Big Guy Red is a blend of six varietals. Syrah from the Canterbury Vineyard in the Sierra foothills lends ripe, luscious fruit to the nose and a juicy, delicious palate, enhanced with fruit and supple tannins from the Merlot and underscored with firm tannins from the Cabernet sauvignon. The result is a ripe, bold, fruit forward wine with lively fruit aromas, rich, ripe red berry, and cocoa flavors wrapped in a blanket of toasted oak and soft, supple tannins in a persistent finish. This is a wine for every day drinking, whether on its own, on the patio with barbeque or in the dinning room with roasted duck

  • Black Opal Shiraz 750ML

    Intense color, flavor and soft tannins from grape skins. Ripe berry fruits along with fig and raisin add to the complex cedar aromas. The palate is soft plum with a dark fruit richness. The tannins are fine and supple making a round, mouth-filling wine.

  • Black Opal Shiraz-Cabernet 750ML

    Intense color, flavor and soft tannins from grape skins. Partial oak maturation with some parcels left un-oaked to enhance the primary fruit characters.

  • Charles Smith Boom Boom Syrah 750ML

    Everything you want in a syrah....smooth, firm, fresh & dark...super dense purple with meaty dark fruit, Asain five spice & sweet tobacco. Intense yet plush will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF! Charles Smith

  • Chateau de Saint Cosme Côtes du Rhône 750ML

    The Cotes du Rhone shows bright fruit followed by a well-structured mouth with a good texture. Two sources have composed this wine for many years now: Vinsobres brings the freshness, the complexity, the strenght and the relief. The "villafranchiennes terraces" from the Gard area (huge terraces of rolling stones) generate the color, the power, and the generosity of a southern syrah. The Syrah from the southern Rhone has a fresh fruit full of charm. In this wine, you will find notes of blackcurrant, oriental spices, licorice and violet.

  • Chateau des Deux Rocs Prémices Rouge 750ML

    Chateau des Deux Rocs the vines of Jean-Claude's new domaine, Château des Deux Rocs, are located in the isolated Vallé des Crozes. This enclosed valley is protected from the dominating winds of the region and benefits from more than 220 days of sun per year. His vines are planted at nearly 1000 feet above sea level in deep schist soils, higher than anyone in the region has planted before. These elements lend a delicate and finessed nature to both the rosé and red.

  • Chronic Sofa King Bueno 750ML

    From Chronic Cellars; "The Rhone King! We take the best of the best, carefully blend them together - and you get Sofa King Bueno. Dark Color, black and red fruits, big game, full tannin and savory flavors are a dream come true."

  • Cline Syrah California 750ML

    This wine is the epitome of savory. Fresh cracked black pepper aromas complement the black cherry fruitiness.

  • d'Arenberg The Stump Jump Shiraz 750ML

    d'Arenberg the nose is chock-full of fresh blackberries, cherries and dark chocolate sprinkled with spices. The palate is fresh and juicy, ripe red fruits mix with plums, blackcurrant, flowers and a twist of black pepper. The tannins are fine with d'Arenberg's trademark earthiness helping keep this easy going wine in check.

  • Domaine Bila-Haut Cotes du Roussillon Villages Occultum Lapidem 750ML

    Domaine Bila-Haut colour : great dark garnet-red. Nose : the first nose is quite closed with a dominant of graphitic, leather, and then intense aromas of pepper, black fruits and scrubs. Mouth : the attack is rich, dense. Then the wine is fleshy and solar. The final is sappy served by delicate tannins and a great freshness.

  • Domaine de Nizas Coteaux du Languedoc 750ML

    Domaine de Nizas this wine is deep garnet in color, with fragrant aromas of blackberries, bilberries (European blueberries) and spices. The distinctive herbal notes commonly found in wines around the Mediterranean called garrigue-lavender, sage, rosemary and wild thyme-speak to the wine's regionality and terroir. The palate is wellbalanced and clean, becoming round and full-bodied, with soft, ripe tannins and a long finish. Enjoyable now or age for up to five years in a cool cellar.

  • Domaine Georges Vernay Syrah 750ML

    Domaine Georges Vernay 100% Syrah wine is made from vines planted at the perimeter of the appellation of Condrieu. It opens itself up with a bouquet of red fruits, blackberries and pepper. Upon tasting it is a wine whose ample flavour, velvety tannins and smoky finale highlight deeper flavours of red fruits and spices.

  • Domaine Gilles Robin Crozes Hermitage Cuvée Papillon 750ML

    Produced from vines aged less than 20 years old. The wine is de-stemmed and matured in stainless steel tanks and is designed for earlier drinking for it’s freshness and perfumed black raspberry fruit with anise and spice notes that linger for ages. For enjoying in its youth, great in the warmer seasons.

  • E. Guigal Cote Rotie Brune et Blonde 750ML

    E. Guigal eye : Dark ruby red Nose : Spices, red berries and delicate oak aromas Palate : Round soft tannins. Aromas of rasberry, blackberry and vanilla Overall : Balance between scarcely perceptible acidity and tannins which add ageing potential and softened by long ageing in oak.

  • Flaherty Aconcagua Red 750ML

    Flaherty displays the classic fruit flavors of the Aconcagua Valley, with a rich base of blackberry, black plum and dried peach (called huesillos, en Chile). Notes of violets, lavender, sour cherry, spearmint, cinnamon stick, cola, vanilla cream, toasted oak and new leather jacket contribute complexity and depth. This medium-bodied wine has a twist of acidity on the entry and finishes with sweet juicy tannins.

  • Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Syrah-Shiraz 750ML

    An impeccably-sourced Syrah that combines ripe fruit flavors with classic overtones of white pepper and toasted oak. Two names for one grape: Syrah is the French term for the wine grape that is called Shiraz in Australia. Intense plum and clove aromas are the fragrant welcome from our Green Label Syrah-Shiraz. Made from grapes grown in Paso Robles and Monterey, this concentrated and complex wine has soft tannins, along with blackberry and boysenberry flavors layered with notes of smoky bacon, sweet vanilla and bittersweet chocolate.

  • Gnarly Head Authentic Red 750ML

    Gnarly Head authentic Red is a rowdy blend based on Zinfandel. Syrah, and Merlot with a splash of Malbec. The Zinfandel component in this blend hails from some of the oldest vines in California, and these brash, unruly vines produce full flavored grapes. Authentic Red has a juicy core of lush black cherry and raspberry flavors with layers of spice and vanilla. Boldly pair this wine with BBQ ribs, a hearty burger, or go all out with New Orleans style red beans and rice.

  • Hey Mambo Sultry Red 750ML

    Hey Mambo deep purple in color, this blend shows aromas of warm baking spices (nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon bark) with gobs of dark black fruit behind it (blackberry, dark cherry, black raspberry). The vanilla aroma comes from American Oak aged portion of the blend and the cocoa/coconut aromas are predominantly from the French oak aged portion of this blend (just about 50/50 on the oak sourcing). On the palate, you first get flavors of ripe blueberry, boysenberry cobbler, dark plum, and wild strawberry. Then the flavors start to change and you get dark cocoa, sweet leather, fresh fig, fermented black bean, and rich toasted oak notes. The finish bounces back and forth between sweet black fruit and dark caramelized oak flavors.
