  • Blackstone Zinfandel 750ML

    Our classic Blackstone Zinfandel is complex and full-bodied with elegant yet spicy aromas of clove and raspberry followed by robust, mouth-filling flavors of ripe berries, plum, and spice. This delicious Zinfandel is perfect for pairing with spicy barbecued short ribs pork tenderloin or your favorite soul food.

  • Block Nine Pinot Noir 750ML

    This is a Pinot Noir that does just what Pinot should do. It's dry, silky and light in alcohol, with subtle cherry skin, cranberry, persimmon, cola and tobacco flavors. A great value.

  • Blue Fish Riesling 750ML

    Blue Fish color: Delicate gold with pale green reflections. Bouquet: Seductive perfume of ripe apricot and peaches. Taste: Dry and harmonious with a pleasing structure and underlying acidity. Serve lightly chilled. Blue Fish Riesling is a sublime match with fish dishes, risottos, creamy pasta dishes, sushi platters and Asian-inspired cuisine.

  • Blue Fish Sweet Riesling 750ML

    Blue Fish color: Soft gold with green reflections. Bouquet: Seductive perfume of fresh apricot, peaches, and ripe pineapple. Taste: Fruity sweetness with a full-bodied structure and refreshing acidity. Serving Suggestions: Serve lightly chilled. Blue Fish Sweet Riesling complements the flavor of shellfish, mussels, Asian-inspired cuisine, and mild cheeses. The wine is also perfect for sipping on its own while enjoying a warm summer night.

  • Blue Nun Authentic White 750ML

    Aromatic, fruity and racy - that is how connoisseurs love their grapes from the River Rhine. The BLUE NUN Authentic White comes with the delicate Rivaner grape for more balance, softness, and depth of fruit flavour. All combined to give you even more enjoyment and pleasure. Cultivated in the Rhine region, the fully ripe, golden grapes are harvested, then de-stemmed and gently pressed. With a mineral taste and refreshing acidity the Blue Nun Authentic White enthuses with its playful finesse of a slight residual sweetness. Excellent with poultry, light meat dishes, fish, Asian and Vegetarian Cuisine.

  • Blue Nun Reisling 750ML

    There is almost no other wine that is so defining for German white wine like the Riesling. With its racy acidity and a true fire-work of aromas the Riesling has become the fashionable drink of modern epicures. Cultivated in the Rhine region, the fully ripe, golden grapes are harvested, then de-stemmed and gently pressed. Once in the glass, its intensive aroma points to its noble provenance. On the palate it shines with a slight residual sweetness and fruit acidity full of character. Excellent with light stews, chicken, vegetables, Asian cuisine and fish dishes.

  • Bodega Elena De Mendoza Malbec 750ML

    Our Malbec is rich and well-structured with flavors of blackberry, plum and dark chocolate. Soft, rounded tannins carry from the mid-palate through the plush and velvety finish.

  • Bodega Elena De Mendoza Red Blend 750ML

    Our Bodega Elena Red Blend makes a bold statement with its unique combination of Malbec, Syrah and Bonarda. The rich, smooth dark red fruit flavors of this blend are complemented nicely by hints of vanilla and spice. Smooth, delicate tannins lead to a lingering, velvety finish.

  • Bodega Norton Malbec 750ML

    Deep red color with violet highlights. Complex aroma ofplums and mature black fruits, licorice and black pepper. Delicate, spicy notes. Tannins of firm, sweet and mature texture. Very good concentration. Round, wide in the middle of the mouth, long and harmonious finish.

  • Bodega Norton Reserva Malbec 750ML

    Bodega Norton deep red colour with hints of purple. Expressive on the nose with notes of ripe black fruits, violets, and tobacco. Long finish.

  • Bodega Norton Torrontes 750ML

    Norton greenish yellow in color with tinges of golden. Very perfumed prevailing fruity and flowery aromas, such as white peach, roses and jasmine. Pleasant on the palate and well balanced.

  • Bodegas Borsao Tres Picos Garnacha 750ML

    Bodegas Borsao very intense cherry red colour with tones of purple. Presents in the nose a great concentration of aromas of ripe red fruit with floral nuances. In the mouth it is a well structured rich wine that evokes tastes of blackberry, plum and tones of leather and vanilla, with a soft and silky tannin.

  • Bodegas Salentein Reserve Malbec 750ML

    Bodegas Salentein deep purple, intense wine, with aromas of distinctive personality and varietal typicity, notably blackberries, and the floral scents of violets and vanilla. A sweet start of mouth, followed by an ample and intense feel in the mid palate, with a silky and rounded tannin texture. It stands out for its fruity character and the crispiness of its well-balanced acidity. A long and lingering finish, with the presence of sweet and fresh wooden flavors.

  • Bodini Malbec 750ML

    Bodini aromas of dark, ripe bing cherries and toasty caramel. Full and fleshy in the mouth with loads of ripe and spicy red and black fruits. Firm tannins and great structure for such a drinkable wine with a long, persistent finish that continues to dance on your tongue long after the first sip. Wow! This is one that you buy by the case to take home to amaze your friends and family. You can drink it tonight and pair with traditional red friendly foods like hamburgers, steak, ribs and pizza, and grilled or roasted chicken. Great all by itself too!

  • Bogle Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Bogle Cabernet Sauvignon is a grape that takes its own sweet time, slowly lingering to ripen on the vine. We are rewarded by its reluctance. Bogle winemakers have crafted an expressive example of this classic varietal. Richly extracted cherry and cassis arrest the senses, holding captive on both the nose and the palate. Swiftly followed by black pepper and black olive, the supple mouthfeel fills out this full-bodied wine. Spicy American oak heightens the dense fruit, finishing with wisps of ground pepper and stellar tannins. Cellar for another 7-10 years, but don't let anyone say you can't enjoy it now. Served Best With: This well-balanced red wine can be savored with a variety of meat dishes, rich sauces or aged cheeses. Try a rib eye with blue cheese butter.

  • Bogle Chardonnay 750ML

    Bogle Chardonnay grapes grown in Clarksburg are known for their characteristic apple and pear aromas and flavors. Bogle winemakers have captured these refreshing and ripe notes while allowing them to develop and intensify through stainless steel fermentation. Additional grapes are vinted using the techniques of barrel fermentation, sur-lies aging and partial malolactic fermentation, which creates an elegant counterpart to the fresh fruit with tones of spicy vanilla and nutmeg. The creamy mouthfeel adds just the final touch on the finish, reminiscent of an apple and pear galette.

  • Bogle Merlot 750ML

    Bogle's long cool growing season produced Merlot grapes unparalleled in quality. Full-bodied and big, the resulting wine resonates with bright cherry and dried herbs on the nose. Rich flavors of black currants and a touch of summer fig combine with savory black pepper to create a wine mouthfilling and intense, yet silky smooth and approachable. After twelve months in American oak, the wine has a complex, developed palate that finishes with perfect acidity and a long, lingering finish. Our Merlot can easily be enjoyed on its own or with a multitude of different food pairings: soft cheeses and paté, pork or pasta dishes. Your imagination should be limitless…

  • Bogle Old Vine Zinfandel 750ML

    Head-trained, dry farmed old vines continue to be the source for Bogles Old Vine Zinfandel. These gnarly old vines produce concentrated fruit of unsurpassed quality and intensity. This supple and full-bodied vintage begins with brambleberries and raspberry jam.

  • Bogle Petite Sirah 750ML

    Bogle showcasing trademark characteristics, the wine is impressively inky, dark and luscious in the glass. Supple fruits, including wild blackberry and Oregon blueberry, are distinct both in the aromatics and on first sip. Concentrated and rich, savory notes of toasty oak combine with mocha and hints of salted caramel. The finish, firm and full bodied, lingers and lasts as only Petite Sirah can.

  • Bogle Pinot Noir 750ML

    Bogle deeply garnet in color, radiant floral notes perfume the nose, leaving quite a first impression. Silky and smooth on the palate, the wine resonates with wild raspberries and rustic mint. Bright berry and cola tones trip alongside subtle lavender and vanilla, left behind by the impression of our French and American oak barrels. The delicate tannins create a refined, yet lingering finish. Served Best With: Soft, ripe cheeses and unique pates, as well as saucy mushroom dishes, poultry and pork.

  • Bogle Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Bogle vibrant and fresh…this Sauvignon Blanc is easy to enjoy. Bogle winemakers use reductive winemaking techniques and cold fermentation in stainless steel tanks to create a classically-styled wine which captivates the true varietal essence of the grape. Lively citrus zest and lemongrass notes color the nose, while the clean and and refreshing flavors of key lime and freshly cut grass are intensely aromatic. The mouthfeel, bracing with acidity, remains laced with touches of softer, enticing fruit. Finishing crisp and satisfying, this wine makes your mouth water for more! Bogle's Sauvignon Blanc is a great accompaniment to a wide range of appetizers and light dishes, especially fish and shellfish, spring greens, goat cheese and fruit salsas.

  • Bolla Bardolino

    This bright ruby red wine has hints of black cherryon the nose. It is soft and fruit-forward, with black-fruit flavors followed by a bright and fresh finish. Serve it as the Italians do – young and lightly chilled. Pairs perfectly with fleshy fish, beef, lamb, red-sauced pastas and pizza.
