  • The Crusher Petite Sirah 750ML

    Striking dark ruby hue in color. Aromas of wild strawberry, boysenberry, dates and a touch of black truffle leap from the glass. It is incredibly fragrant and bright, a stark contrast to harder-edged, heavier Petite Sirahs. Richly layered, you will experience flavors of wild berry jam and red grapefruit rounded out with secondary flavors of rich molasses and a touch of warm baking spice. Velvety, mouth-filling tannins guide this Petite Sirah to a faintly sweet finish. The bright fruit flavors of this wine are nicely balanced by its darker caramel like flavors and well-integrated oak.

  • The Divining Rod Cabernet Sauvignon Alexander Valley 750ML

    Big, bold, full-bodied Cab, showing lush black cherry and black currant flavors, and underpinnings of graphite, cedar, mocha, pepper and just a tiny bit of hickory-smoked bacon. Finishes up with juicy black fruits and chocolate-covered espresso beans.

  • The Divining Rod Chardonnay Santa Lucia 750ML

    Tropical aromas of pineapple with hints of lemon curd, mango and brioche. Pleasant undertones of citrus with flavors developing to stone fruits with bright acidity and a lingering finish.

  • The Divining Rod Red - Lodi 750ML

    Our Divine Red with its deep, rich, red color opens with aromas of blackberry, cedar and cinnamon. The blackberry and black pepper flavors are complemented by hints of plum and cassis, giving the wine depth and complexity. New French oak adds a pleasant mouth feel, texture and weight giving the right amount of influence to envelop the wine in a fitting tannic structure and a long finish that preserves the integrity and brightness of the Lodi fruit.

  • The Dreaming Tree Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    The Dreaming Tree North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon continues the legacy of The Dreaming Tree's inaugural vintage, with elegant and supple fruit flavors. Each of the North Coast's renowned winegrowing regions brings unique fruit character and structure - including herbs and blackberry flavors from Sonoma County, cherries and spicy notes from Mendocino County, and earth tones and mouth-filling tannins from Lake County. Food Pairing: The North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon is a true crowd-pleaser. It is delicious with grilled tri-tip, a wood-fired pepperoni pizza, or eggplant parmesan.

  • The Dreaming Tree Chardonnay 750ML

    When Steve Reeder and Dave Matthews first met, they realized they had a few things in common, like a passion for making wine at least as strong as their passion for drinking it. They set out into wine country, looking for a way to make quality wines accessible to everyone. Along the way, they found inspiration in the down-to-earth characters and unforgettable flavors that give the region its rare kind of charm. The fruit jumps out of the glass and reminds you of roasted pear or baked apple pie. Big fruit and brown spices that are backed by a distinct Central Coast citrus note. The entry coats your mouth with these great flavors. Easy to enjoy, this wine will bring the coastal wine adventure right to your home. Delicious on a warm summer night with grilled seafood, seafood-and-chicken paella, fresh fava bean salad, or buttered radishes and smoked salt.

  • The Dreaming Tree Crush Red Blend 750ML

    The Dreaming Tree tasting notes: A blend of the North Coast's finest varieties, this wine pulls you in with a floral berry note and then jumps up with a raspberry jam. Food Pairing: A quaffable wine that is tasty with Spanish orange and onion salad, or with Vietnamese-style grilled ribs and rice.

  • The Dreaming Tree Everyday - White 750ML

    “Blended from select aromatic varietals that thrive in the central coast vineyards of Monterey County, Everyday is perfect as a sipping wine and it also goes well with spicy foods."

  • The Federalist Dueling Pistols 750ML

    The Federalist color: Dark purple. Aroma: Dark fruits of blackberry and black cherry with black pepper and spice. Taste: Good entrance with a rich mouth feel and supple tannins.

  • The Little Penguin Cabernet Merlot

    This blend is crimson red in color with bright aromas of cherry, vanilla and violets. The palate is juicy with flavors of fruitcake and plums. A soft tannin structure makes for a smooth, balanced finish. Try with Mediterranean foods, grilled veggies or meats.

  • The Little Penguin Cabernet Sauvignon

    The biggest Little Penguin wine has an awesome ruby red color and the scent of fresh berries. The palate jumps with sweet Australian Cabernet fruit, soft background tannins and a great taste that lingers. An age-worthy Cabernet that drinks beautifully now. Ideal with grilled meats, poultry, hard cheeses and pasta.

  • The Little Penguin Chardonnay

    Like a South Australian sunrise, this tasty white has starlight brightness with light straw hues. The nose is refreshingly tropical with hints of melon and Hawaiian pineapple leading into zippy fresh Chardonnay fruit. With lovely balance and incomparable elegance, this Australian Chardonnay wine pairs exquisitely with seafood, poultry and soft cheeses.

  • The Little Penguin Pinot Grigio 750ML

    This fresh wine is pale blonde in color. Full of fresh citrus and floral notes on the nose, the wine is refreshing with flavors of pear, melons and light citrus. A crisp, clean finish makes this wine excellent with shellfish or fresh salads.

  • The Little Penguin Shiraz Cabernet

    This perfect blend is a deep, ink purple color with a lifted nose of fresh red berries and mocha. The flavor of juicy fruit and creamy vanilla are excellent with hearty beef stew, grilled steak or pork chops.

  • The Naked Grape Cabernet Sauvignon 3L Box

    Some people have a naturally rich style that's effortless yet deep and complex. This character is never showy or high maintenance and reminds us a lot of The Naked Grape Cabernet Sauvignon. Our wine offers bold flavors of dark fruit and blackberries without making you bend over backward to enjoy it. We think our robust and ready Cabernet calls for a toast. So let's raise a glass to richness that's readily available. Bare it all.

  • The Naked Grape Chardonnay 3L Box

    It's an attitude that says, "Hello World – this is me, love it or leave it (P.S. you'll love it)!" An original classic, The Naked Grape Chardonnay knows its essence of tropical pineapple and peach fruit – and it celebrates it for what it is. This varietal bares more fruit, (not oak) and has stuck to its guns for a long time. So let's raise an unapologetic glass to you, to Chardonnay, and to knowing you rock…just as you are. Bare it all.

  • The Naked Grape Harvest Red Blend 3L Box

    The freedom to be you while you're singing at the top of your voice in the shower or when you're playing a rockin' air drum solo to your favorite song. In freedom, there's no conforming, no hiding, and no pressure. Take The Naked Grape Harvest Red Blend for example; its unrestrained character is celebrated with smooth raspberry and robust red plum flavors. This Harvest Red toasts the freedom to blend to the beat of our own drum. So let's raise a glass to being free together – honest, real, wonderfully Naked. Bare it all.

  • The Naked Grape Moscato 3L Box

    That pure and honest personality is what draws us to them, just like the true, and flavorfully sweet taste of The Naked Grape Moscato. With just a touch of fizz, and aromas of peach and orange blossom, its clean finish makes it the kind of sweet that’s always delightful. So let’s raise a glass to laughing and smiling for no reason. Bare it all.

  • The Naked Grape Pinot Grigio 3L Box

    The kind of person you feel both comfortable with and excited by at the same time? That wonderfully naked friendship is how we like to describe this go everywhere wine, our light bodied Pinot Grigio seems to go with just about anything and make it all just a bit more fun. With aromas of pear and Meyer lemon, it's got a crisp, fresh, light and tangy style. So let's raise a glass to life, laughter and those who make all occasions a good time. Bare it all.

  • The Pinot Project Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Pinot Project hand-crafted from the finest California PINOT Noir grapes. Pure PINOT aromas and flavors -- black cherries kissed by oak and complimented by just the right amount of Asian spice. Extremely versatile with a host of your favorite dishes. Enjoy in moderation as soon as possible. This label will self-destruct in 5 seconds.

  • The Prisoner The Prisoner 750ML

    The Prisoner the wine has a dense red and black hue that is framed in vibrant crimson. Aromas of Bing cherry, espresso, roasted fig and vanillin oak accents are persistent. The entry is powerful and generous supported with lively acidity while flavors of ripe raspberry, pomegranate and wild berry fruit linger harmoniously. Soft, integrated tannin chains allow the wine to be approachable now and provides for a pleasant finish.

  • The Saint Rioja Reserva 750ML

    Complex aromas of ripe fruit blend with smoky fine woods. The wine is fantastically well structured and has a long lingering finish. The Saint Rioja is a deep ruby colored wine that displays an abundance of fruit enhanced by a full 26 months of oak aging. On the palate it shows big fruit, spice and outstanding concentration of flavors with impeccable balance. This Reserva will continue to age well for at least 10 years. The Saint Reserva Rioja will match well to most dishes for the perfect pairing, try this with grilled meats, BBQ and mushroom or seafood risottos. Enjoy this wine with good food and good friends or, try it alone in your room with the door locked, you're the boss!

  • The Seducer Red Rendezvous 750ML

    The Seducer an elegant charm and passionate nature combined with an alluring scent - a mixture of vanilla, cherries and spice - and the perfect body. An intriguing blend of Zinfandel, Syrah, Merlot, Ruby Cab and Tannat, California-crafted Red Rendezvous offers everything you desire. Not seduced yet? Open the bottle, pour a glass and excite your senses with The Seducer.

  • The Seeker Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    We sought our Cabernet Sauvignon in the Colchagua and Maipo Valleys. The dry climate and proximity to the Andes encourages full flavor ripening while maintaining bright and juicy acidity. Aromas of ripe blackberry and blueberry with a touch of vanilla; flavors are loaded with juicy currant, blackberry, and spice wrapped around a velvety texture framed with touches of chocolate and toffee. A stealthy, silky wine, perfect for stewed and braised meats, grilled vegetables, and righteous thievery.
