
  • Alexander Valley Vineyards Gewurz 750ML

    Alexander Valley Vineyards we cold ferment in stainless to preserve the bright spicy floral aromatics and natural acidity. This wine will fool you - in the glass there are sweet floral aromas of stone fruits, grapefruit, mineral and orange blossom, yet when you take a sip you'll see that it is an off-dry wine with good balance, aidity and minerality. I bottle this wine with a stelvin closure and recommend drinking it young.

  • Chateau Ste. Michelle Col Val Gewürztraminer 750ML

    Chateau Ste. Michelle a fan favorite, this Gewürztraminer pops out of the glass with exuberant fruit and clove spice. The bottling is lush with a lot of character, yet still maintains the grape's natural crisp character. This is an easy wine to enjoy.

  • Fetzer Gewurztraminer 750ML

    Passion fruit along with tangerine, mango and aromas of honey and orange spice join with pineapple, baked pears and hints of cinnamon. This wine can be zesty, and flavors of clove, orange and caramelized apples are evident.

  • Fifty Shades of Grey White Silk 750ML

    Fifty Shades of Grey floral aromatics of lychee, honey and pear are tempered by flavors of crisp grapefruit, mineral and lush pear with a faint hint of butterscotch.

  • Trimbach Ribeauville Alsace Gewurztraminer 750ml

    Product of France. Fresh and fragrant from the classic terroirs of Alsace. Dry, spicy rich and distinctively aromatic - a classic to enjoy with a wide range of foods like fish or white meat, spicy dishes or just on its own.