  • 14 Hands Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    14 Hands concentrated aromas of dark stone fruits and toast burst from the glass. Classic Cabernet Sauvignon flavors of black cherries with subtle hints of baking spice dance across the palate, bolstered by fine, round tannins. A medium bodied wine is soft in mouth feel, yet long on fruit character and finish.

  • 14 Hands Chardonnay 750ML

    14 Hands Chardonnay displays aromas and flavors of fresh apple with subtle hints of vanilla and buttery caramel. On the palate, notes of sweet oak and spice give way to a soft, lingering finish. Food Pairing: Chicken kiev, lemon pepper salmon, seafood alfredo.

  • 14 Hands Hot to Trot Red 750ML

    This Washington state red blend opens with generous aromas of crème de cassis and sweet blackberries. Fleshy, dark fruit flavors are joined by notes of wild huckleberries and a subtle pie crust nuance. Balanced by soft and velvety tannins, this smooth, easy drinking wine finishes with hints of toast and mocha. Pairs well with most appetizers.

  • 14 Hands Hot To Trot White 750ML

    14 Hands intense aromas of peach compote with tropical and floral nuances.

  • 14 Hands Merlot 750ML

    14 Hands Merlot offers classic Washington aromas of blackberries, plums and black cherries. Expressive flavors of berries and cherries are joined by subtle nuances of mocha and spice. While soft and approachable, this wine maintains a firm backbone of tannins.

  • 14 Hands Pinot Grigio 750ML

    14 Hands Pinot Gris is a juicy, refreshing wine with flavors and aromas of green apple, fresh melon and light notes of honeysuckle. Pair this wine with grilled fish or seafood pasta.

  • 181 Merlot 750ML

    A lavish expression of classic Bordeaux-style Merlot, bursting with plush tannins and sumptuous notes of black cherry, vanilla, stone fruit and toast. Flavors of currant and spicy cedar end with a lingering, luxurious finish

  • 19 Crimes Red 750ML

    This Shiraz-dominated red blend is on the lighter side. The color is a translucent dusty red cherry. The alcohol, a modest 13%. In the nose, ample cranberry, currant, plum, and cherry cough drop mix with vanilla and cinnamon spice. The same flavor profile is evident in the mouth, picking up some licorice root and smooth, earthy tannins. Finally, this red finishes with a kiss of sweet red fruit. Perfect Pairings Delightful on its own, it can be paired with lamb chops or even that staple of Australian street food, curried kangaroo.

  • 3 Finger Wine Company California Republic Red Blend 750ML

    Finger Wine Company rich with fruit & robust in flavor this is a bear of a wine. It hibernates in the bottle & comes roaring out when the cork is pulled. The fruit from the Zinfandel is berries, plum & dark cherry. The Syrah brings in a œmeatiness, while the Cabernet Sauvignon flexes its muscle with firm tannins, cassis & chocolate covered cherries.

  • 32 Winds Hirsch Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Hirsch Vineyard Pinot Noir displays flavors and aromas of tart black cherries, black raspberries and freshly grated nutmeg. It has a rich full texture, a lovely underlying minerality and excellent natural acidity.

  • 32 Winds Lucky Well Chardonnay 750ML

    32 Winds the nose shows subtle, elegant aromas of fresh Fuji apple, meyer lemon rind, jasmine and honeysuckle. There is mild salinity and crushed oyster shell minerality with hints of white pepper and pear on the back . On the palate a bit of cinnamon and brown sugar spice, vanilla, high toned fruit but balanced throughout, carried through with hints of butter and just the right amount of French oak.

  • 32 Winds Lucky Well Pinot Noir 750ML

    32 Winds the nose is a pretty floral start with notes of rose and violet; just absolutely beautiful, with aromatics of sweet fruit and cola spice. On the palate the cola spice carries through and is joined by raspberry and attractive notes of cherry pie, baked cranberry and black berry cobbler. The finish is vibrant and focused due to it's bright acidity. Delicious! This is what we consider classic Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir - each sip invites the next and the wine is truly a joy to drink. Only wish we had more!

  • 32 Winds Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    32 Winds the fruit for our cabernet is sourced from a fine single vineyard site on top of Diamond Mountain. The grapes were hand-harvested on October 15th and October 24th, de-stemmed and transferred to closed-top fermenters, where the skins and juice remained in contact in an extended maceration for 45 days. The juice was then pressed off and moved directly to French oak barrels, 75% of which were new and aged for 21 months.

  • 32 Winds Spinnaker Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 750ML

    The Spinnaker Chardonnay displays flavors and aromas of Granny Smith apples, pears, quince, lemon curd and vanilla. It also possesses our trademark vibrant acidity and lovely textural mouthfeel.

  • 337 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Noble Vines 337 Cabernet Sauvignon exhibits appealing aromas of black cherry, ripe currant and lightly roasted coffee. Supple tannins and balanced acidity support core flavors of black cherry, blackberry and cassis, intertwined with sweet herbs and black pepper spice accents. This wine can be enjoyed on its own or with pork loin stuffed with spinach and herbs, grilled baby back ribs or roast turkey.

  • 667 Pinot Noir 750ML

    Exhibits appealing aromas of red cherry, earth and light vanilla notes. Plush tannins and balanced acidity support core flavors of ripe Bing cherry, bittersweet cocoa powder, and delicate hints of sage. 667 Pinot Noir can be enjoyed on its own or with poached salmon, Veal Parmesan, or grilled lamb.

  • 7 Deadly Zins Zinfandel 750ML

    it has a spicy nose with a bit of raspberry, tomato, pepper and cola. It’s very clearly a Lodi Zinfandel right from the first whiff. Raisins, jammy blackberry, walnut and black pepper make for a big, bold palate with plenty of complexity. It has good concentration too, and a fairly long finish with a hot spiciness.

  • 75 Wine Company The Sum 750ML

    Great fruit sourcing, blending and attention to detail in the winery have yet again produced another great vintage of The Sum. Ripe summer blueberry and blackberry combined with spice box and camphor leap from the glass in the hedonist's dream of a wine. The combination of Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Syrah and Syrah has created a wine that shows both elegance nuance and raw power on the palate. Soaring acidity and firm tannins create wonderful balance and complexity in the finish. Enjoy!

  • A by Acacia Chardonnay 750ML

    Aromas of lush white peach, ripe pear, and Meyer Lemon notes. Hints of minerals and citrus blossoms, characteristic of coastal Chardonnay grapes, meld with fragrant vanilla-spice notes from oak aging.

  • A to Z Wineworks Chardonnay 750ML

    Aromas of kiwi, tangerine, honey and melon along with great minerality. Leads to yet more layers of pear and toasted coconut and balanced acidity, give this wine a lingering, delicious finish.

  • A to Z Wineworks Pinot Gris 750ML

    Pinot Gris is bright with tropical aromas of lime, kiwi, orange blossom, and tangerine as well as complex aromas of rose, melon and talc. The attack is lively, juicy and pure with wonderful lush fruit and mineral notes. Tangy citrus flavors combine with ripe peach, pear and quince notes to produce a very pretty and seamless mid-palate. The wine has good weight and great length that ultimately ends with a clean, crisp finish.

  • A to Z Wineworks Pinot Noir 750ML

    The A to Z Pinot Noir invites with vibrant aromas of juicy berries, cherries, lavender and violets, evolving to clove, game, smoke and cherry tobacco. A succulent, focused attack has flavors of blue and red fruits, flowers and earth, then deepens with hints of mocha, gingerbread, green tea and cacao. A very ripe tannic structure is balanced by perfect acidity, giving shape and elegance to the concentration of lush fruit. A beautiful, complex, forward wine results, walking a tightrope between richness and elegance. Built for midterm aging, the captivating A to Z Pinot Noir once again sets the standard for the superior 2012 Pinot Noir vintage in Oregon.

  • AA Badenhorst Family Wines Secateurs Rose 750ML

    AA Badenhorst Family Wines secateurs - shape our bushvines during the winter pruning and are used to pick the ripe grapes in summer. Our family has, for the last three generations, nurtured our vines so that they can produce fruit of integrity. This is a truly unique rose as it was made from very old vines and really displays the minerality that characterises the wines from our farm. The aromas are complex red fruits, spice, rose water, currants and the palate is generous and textured with a long finish.

  • Acacia Pinot Noir Carneros 750ML

    The nose combines smoke, sandalwood, freshly crushed berries, minerals and intricate spice. The silken palate reflects the nose, with thrilling acidity and fine tannins giving shape to the cherry and black raspberry flavors.
