  • St. Supéry Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 750ML

    Rich, vibrant purple and red hues present in this wine. Blackberry and ripe currant aromas combine with black pepper, anise, toasted oak and smoky roasted mocha. Flavors of black plum and cassis complement flavors of roasted coffee bean and licorice. This is a structured Cabernet Sauvignon with fine texture, length, flavor and style.

  • St. Supéry Estate Sauvignon Blanc Napa Valley 750ML

    This Sauvignon Blanc presents with brilliant shades of pale yellow laced with youthful notes of green. Green lime and grapefruit aromas bounce from the glass, accompanied by vibrant citrus notes of lemon zest and a hint of caper. Grapefruit and green lime couple with zippy citrus flavors on the palate. This is an opulent and vibrant wine that is full of life.

  • St. Supery Limited Edition Dollarhide Ranch Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    St. Supery this wine presents with brilliant hues of pale yellow pierced by youthful streaks of green. Opulent aromas of grapefruit, lemon rind and subtle caper are enveloped by a seductive background of toasted vanillin oak, evident of the barrel fermentation component. Crisp flavors of grapefruit follow with key lime, a hint of orange marmalade and a roasted French oak background. This is a terrific Sauvignon Blanc with tremendous intensity of flavor, yet an elegant appeal. Enjoy!

  • St. Urbans-Hof Reisling 750ML

    This version is richly spiced and filled with luscious flavors of glazed apricot, ripe melon and peach cobbler. Shows minerally notes, offering a finish of golden raisin and nutmeg.

  • Stag's Leap Wine Cellar KARIA Chardonnay Napa Valley 750ML

    This graceful Chardonnay opens with aromas of peach, yellow apple, spice and a pleasing sweet cream vanilla note. The wine has a soft entry with citrus and light honey notes that lead to a lingering sweet lemon finish. There is a nice balance to the acidity and minerality that enhances the freshness and elegance of this wine.

  • Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Hands of Time Red 750ML

    Pleasing aromas of spiced fruit, clove and vanilla. The palate offers a sweet fruit entry of cherry and raspberry, which wrap around the structured tannins and lead to a lingering spice-filled finish.

  • Stags' Leap Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 750ML

    This wine's red currant fruit is sweet and ripe, taking some time to coalesce out of the dry, woody tannins and tart acidity...clean line of cassis flavor, a focused, savory red to decant for roast lamb."

  • Stags' Leap Petite Sirah Napa Valley 750ML

    An elegant Petite Sirah, scented with the varietal’s signature trio of black fruit, floral and spicy characteristics. Fresh, juicy flavors of blackberry and blueberry are complemented by generous spice notes of clove and pepper with a subtle hint of rose petal. Refined and supple tannins balance the wine’s powerful palate, keeping this Petite Sirah particularly graceful.

  • Starborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    This wine's red currant fruit is sweet and ripe, taking some time to coalesce out of the dry, woody tannins and tart acidity...clean line of cassis flavor, a focused, savory red to decant for roast lamb."

  • Stark Raving Red Wine 750ML

    Bold, daring and innovative, our Red Blend combines a variety of grapes into something totally unique, totally delicious, and absolutely Stark Raving. Big aromas of ripe plum and dark cherry have a meaty, masculine quality that drives the profile. The palate keeps pace, marrying heady fruit with good structure, chewy tannins and a clean finish. Pair this wine with equally unctuous dishes, such as grilled or roasted meats accented with your own flair of spices and side dishes.

  • Stefano Farina Solers Rosso Toscana 750ML

    Stefano Farina excellent balance, soft but decisive taste, consistent bouquet with primary aroma of red fruits (cherries and black cherries) with a touch of vanilla flavour. The intense ruby red colour with blue tints is a sign of good longevity. Screw cap top is a guarantee of stability in taste. This is the ideal wine to serve with all dishes, perfect if served also between courses.

  • Stella Rosa Black 750ML

    Stella Rosa Black is our newest, limited-edition flavor. Semi-sweet yet intense, Stella Rosa Black is a red blend that tastes as sexy and seductive as it looks, with black cherry and wild berry notes.

  • Stella Rosa Moscato d’ Asti DOCG 750ML

    Moscato d’ Asti is a “semi sweet” wine made from the Moscato di Canelli grape from the Piedmont region of Italy. Sweet but not overly sweet with just enough bubbles. Great as an aperitif or with light meals. Refreshing taste with a clean finish.

  • Stella Rosa Stella Berry 750ML

    Stella Rosa Berry is a proprietary blend produced from various grapes which add a vibrant magenta characteristic. The addition of natural wild strawberries and blackberries contributes a uniquely delicious flavor on the palate and the nose. Stella Rosa Berry has natural carbonation. The juice is fermented in charmat-style, pressurized tanks. As the alcohol is created, so is the carbonation.

  • Stella Rosa Stella Peach Moscato 750ML

    Stella Peach® is a Moscato-based blend infused with natural white and yellow peach flavors. It’s a semi-sweet and lightly sparkling wine that will leave a delicate flavor on your palate and nose.

  • Stella Rosa Stella Pink 750ML

    Stella Pink® is a semi-sweet, lightly sparkling wine with a vibrant pink hue that gives off delicate fresh peach, honey, and red berry qualities.

  • Stella Rosa Stella Rosso 750ML

    From the village of Santo Stefano Belbo in Piedmont comes our delicious original Stella Rosso®, a refreshing semi-sweet red wine best served chilled and accompanied with fresh fruit and cheese.

  • Stellar Organics Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    This Cabernet Sauvignon has a very dark red hue. The nose has hints of forest floor and roasted red bell pepper preserved in olive oil. Nice entry with vanilla and smooth tannins. A good food wine. Lightly wooded with French oak Suggested food pairing: Beef fillet, herb and garlic loin chops, roast duck with light peppercorn sauce .

  • Stellar Organics Shiraz 750ML

    This wine has a rich dark colour with a smoky and peppery nose. Dark fruit on the pallet, gives the wine a all-round juiciness. Oaky tannins give the wine a spicy finish with good structure.

  • Stellina di Notte Prosecco 750ML

    Stellina is a fresh, light Prosecco with aromas of citrus, pear, melon, lemon and almonds. On the palate, you'll find a hint of buttered toast, with good acidity and a touch of sweetness at the finish.

  • Sterling Napa Valley Chardonnay 750ML

    This Chardonnay shows the beauty and complexity of the Napa Valley, marrying the lush, bold ripeness of the mid-valley with the richness and depth of Carneros. Fragrant oak spices, honey and tropical fruits open the nose. On the palate, layers of golden apples, peach, lemon curd and caramel are lifted by a bright citrus finish, flanked by toasty spices. The elegant, full-bodied style of this Chardonnay can stand up to fleshy seafood and grilled meats alike.

  • Sterling Vineyards Carneros Pinot Noir 750ML

    Carneros Pinot Noir offers a dark red fruit profile graced with toasty oak complexity. Black cherry and rich toffee aromas open the nose, followed by a brambly berry flavors. The sweet scent of forest floor and rich cherry cobbler weave through the smooth and supple palate. The finish is long and satisfying, with a spicy fruit intensity that extends toward a rewarding finale. Roasted duck and other game meats will pair well with the inviting personality of this Pinot Noir.

  • Sterling Vineyards Merlot Napa Valley 750ML

    Merlot is a benchmark varietal for Sterling and this deeply colored version displays aromas of black cherry, raspberry, toasty oak, nutmeg, and cloves. Luscious flavors of blackberries, cherries, cocoa, cedar, and vanilla lead to a full, smooth-textured finish.

  • Sterling Vintner's Collection Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Brimming with style and elegance, our Cabernet Sauvignon offers generous dark fruit and toasty spices. The nose is a heady mix of cedar,tobacco and oak spices over briary black fruits. In the mouth, flavors of dark cherry, ripe plum and mulberries unfold with supple ease, influenced by a small amount of Merlot, which fleshes out the midpalate and lends lovely red tones. A lively acidity picks up on the back of the palate as the dark fruit flavors exit with a peppery finish.
