2 Gingers Irish Whiskey 750ML
2 GINGERS® was started by Irishman Kieran Folliard who had a passion, a great idea and an inspiration. The result? A smooth, malty and slightly sweet, blended Irish Whiskey named after his mother and aunt, the two fiery-redheads whose likenesses are on our bottle. 2 GINGERS® is a smooth, stand-out spirit when consumed neat or on the rocks, and a mixable Irish Whiskey that stands up in a cocktail. You will not find a better whiskey to mix and share with friends, any time of year.
Bushmill Irish Whiskey
The master blenders of Bushmills marry a single malt whiskey to a single grain whiskey to create one of the worlds premier spirits. Made from the finest Irish barley and crystal clear water, Bushmills is distilled three times and then matured many years in oak casks to produce a whiskey whose smoothness, flavor, and quality are renowed throughout the world.
Bushmills Black Bush Irish Whiskey 750ML
An intriguing flavor and a name to match, this is their special blend. It combines a uniquely high proportion of malt whiskey matured in former Oloroso Sherry casks with a sweet, batch-distilled grain whiskey. This unique recipe gives Black Bush its rich fruity notes and deep intense character, balanced by a unique smoothness. Big, full, rich fruitcake aroma, intense Sherry sweetness developing into dried fruit/raisen/Christmas cake notes. Soft, silky texture with a nutty character. Lingering sweetness. Remarkable balance from Sherry-seasoned casks and the smoothness of the spirit. Deep amber in colour, with a rich spice and tea leaf nose and has a distinct flavour to this light bodied Irish whiskey.
Bushmills Irish Honey Whiskey 750ML
Made with Bushmills Original triple distilled malt Whiskey with a delicate touch of honey. Variation of aromas to the nose, such as apples, herbs, grain and malt. Light body with tastes that fluctuate from vanilla to honey and a floral finish.
Bushmills Single Malt Irish Whiskey 10 year old 750ML
A product of the world's oldest licensed whiskey distillery, the "Old Bushmills" Distillery, Bushmills Single Malt Irish Whiskey is the original single malt whiskey from Ireland. With an intriguing aroma and well-balanced flavor, Bushmills Malt is a delightfully delicate malt and uncomplicated whiskey crafted from 100% malted barley. Its style is mellow and light, and a time-tested drying process assures that the taste of the malt shines through. All the malt used in our mash is dried in closed kilns devoid of peat, preventing it from absorbing the fire's smokiness while retaining the malt's distinctive, authentic character and exceptionally clean taste. It ages for a minimum of 10 years in select bourbon oak casks and a select number of Oloroso sherry casks, developing its full flavor, character and hue. Triple distilled for exceptional smoothness, Bushmills Malt is 80 proof (40% alc./vol.) Taste: Bushmills Malt has a sweet spicy aroma with overtones of Oloroso sherry, vanilla and honey. It is characterful and complex; mild, but nonetheless has a rich, malty character, not overlaid by any of the strong peaty/smoky notes so typical of most scotch malts. Smooth on the palate with a slightly dry finish. Bushmills Malt is ideal as either an aperitif or digestif.
John Jameson Irish Whiskey
The world’s best selling Irish whiskey, originally distilled in Dublin, where John Jameson, a Scottish Presbyterian, founded a distillery in 1780. Jameson’s is now one of many whiskeys produced in Irish Distiller’s highly versatile Midleton distillery in County Cork. Floral, orange, toffee, Sherry and spice notes. Initially citric in the mouth, along with classic Irish oiliness, more profound notes of Sherry develop, along with fudge, vanilla and spice. The finish is long, warming and spicy.
Midleton Very Rare Irish Whiskey 750ML
Irish whiskeys are usually triple distilled. They are known to have an easier, less smokey flavor than scotch. Like all Irish whiskey, Midleton Very Rare Irish Whiskey is legally required to be distilled in wooden casks for at least 3 years. Blended Irish whiskeys are made from a mix of grain and malt whiskies. Midleton Very Rare Irish Whiskey has been aged for 25 years, which is slightly longer than the average for Irish whiskeys. This refers to the age of the youngest component of the whiskey, so there may be a part of the blend that is much older
Redbreast Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 12 year old 750ML
Redbreast Nose: A complex spicy and fruity aroma with toasted wood notes evident. Taste: Full flavoured and complex; a harmonious balance of spicy, creamy, fruity, sherry and toasted notes. Finish: Satisfyingly long, the complex flavours linger on the palate.
Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey 80 750ML
There's no substitute for discovering this quintessential Irish whiskey for yourself. Perhaps you're enjoying a glass of Tullamore Dew while sitting by an open fire in an Irish pub, sharing the company of old friends. Maybe you're enjoying the lively atmosphere of a modern city bar, or relaxing at home. Wherever you are, settle back and savour a glass or two to discover this Legendary Irish Whiskey with hidden depths. Colour: Medium amber gold. Nose: A mild blend of spicy, lemony and malty notes, with charred wood and vanilla undertones. Body: Light bodied, sweetish spices, buttery and rounded with light citrus fruitiness. Palate: Warming, pleasant maltiness with toasted wood and vanilla hints. Finish: Smooth and gentle, the complex flavours lingering.
Tullamore Dew Special Reserve Irish Whiskey 12 year old 750ML
Tullamore Dew colour: Medium amber gold. Nose: Medium intensity, malty, spicy, toasted wood and vanilla notes. Complex flavours with sweet nuttiness, faint notes of Christmas cake and a hint of lemon. Body: Complex spicy, oily, toasted wood and vanilla notes combining robust pot still with distinctive malty and sherry notes. Full bodied, rich flavour, with faint Christmas cake and a touch of citrus and leather. Palate: Smooth and full; woody undertones, giving way to sweet Oloroso nuttiness with just a touch of spice. Finish: Rich, long, malty and spicy notes. Pleasantly dry finish with slightly lemony and sweet notes lingering.