Allure Bubbly Peach Moscato 750ML
The scrumptious flavor of a peach bursting with ripeness combined with the floral and fruity essences of our Symphony wine is summer captured in a glass. The palate is further roused by a frenzy of lively bubbles and enticing sweetness. Yes, take our Allure Bubbly Peach lightly! The only serious consideration is how festive the mood becomes when a bottle is opened no matter what the occasion or setting.” —Winemaker, Bob Stashak
Allure Bubbly Pink Moscato 750ML
“Bright pink color indicates the wine will be very festive in nature. Apricot, peach, bergamot, and mint flavors give our Pink Moscato a fresh and lively demeanor. The combination of bubbles and off-dry balance enhance the refreshment enjoyed with each sip. This is a very easy wine to drink by itself. However, its cheery nature suggests it is welcome at celebrations and where gatherings might include a variety of dishes. It should be on the table ready to serve throughout the meal, including dessert.”
Andre Brut Champagne 750ML
A blend of varietal whites with a light touch of dryness. Fruity flavors with a dry mouthfeel yield a lively mid-palate and finish.
Andre Cold Duck 750ML
Our André Sweet Sparkling Red California champagne is a sweet combination of red and white grapes, blended with a soft Concord grape base for tangy, ripe fruit flavors.
Andre Extra-Dry 750ML
Our André Extra Dry California champagne is a semi-dry blend of varietal whites with pear and apple aromas, sweet hints of fruit and a crisp finish.
Andre Spumante 750ML
Our André Spumante California champagne is light and sweet with Muscat-type flavors and a crisp mouthfeel.
Andre Strawberry 750ML
André Strawberry California champagne is sweet with juicy strawberry and pomegranate aromas, excellent effervescence and a delightful finish.
Astoria Lounge Moscato 750ML
Astoria "Lounge" Sparkling Moscato has very fine and persistent bubbles with straw yellow and greenish reflections. The wine is delicately sweet with a basis of fresh fruit flavors of peach, melon, and pear balanced with gentle notes of white petals. The finish is balanced and well rounded. Food Pairings: Pairs well with before dinner, after dinner, spicy asian dishes, roasted chicken, biscotti or on its own.
Ayala Brut Majeur 750ML
Ayala Brut Majeur is the result of the blending of a particular harvest with quality reserve wines. Aÿ being the capital of Pinot Noir, this noble grape is always dominant thus ensuring the vinosity, the fullness and the intensity of the wine. Chardonnay gives elegance, liveliness and finesse, and Pinot Meunier adds a delicate fresh and fruity note. The cellar master is an artist, and every new cuvee he creates is a work of art, the result of very rigorous selections among innumerable possibilities. His art consists in recreating every year a great wine which is true to the style of the House, with the subtle balance between roundness, elegance and vivacity. The low dosage, 9 grams per litre, reveals the delicate nuances of the aromas and the bouquet. Brut Majeur is ideal served as an aperitif, however its vinosity and its personality make it also a wonderful accompaniment throughout a meal.
Ayala Brut Rosé Majeur 750ML
Ayala Rosé Majeur displays a lovely light cherry core with a delicate copper glint, enhanced by a beautiful necklace of fine and long-lasting bubbles. On the nose, the wine reveals a seductive bouquet of red fruits (strawberries, raspberries, a hint of cassis…) enhanced by the freshness and the finesse delivered by the high proportion of Chardonnay. On the palate, Rosé Majeur is vinous and fleshy, with a very nice balance between the relative strength of the tannins and the delicacy of Chardonnay, leading to a very generous finish. AYALA Rosé Majeur is perfect served as an aperitif or with appetizers, but it will also be superb with salmon to balance the fat, with roasted lamb, or with a dessert of red fruits.
Ballatore Gran Spumante 750ML
Inviting aromas reminiscent of ripe peaches and apricots combine to form a delightful bouquet. Well-balanced and pleasingly effervescent.
Ballatore Moscato Rose 750ML
This festive sparkling red offers slightly sweet red fruit flavors and a soft finish. Great for a romantic evening, bring the Ballatore Rosso Red and don't forget the chocolate.
Banfi Rosa Regale 750ML
Has a delicate bouquet of rose petals and offers sensuous flavors of fresh raspberries and strawberries. Its effervescence is softer than that of champagne, yet it yields a persistent and delicate pink froth.
Barefoot Bubbly Brut Cuvee 750ML
Green apple, jasmine, hints of kiwi and peach flavors bubble up for a crisp finish. Bubbling with aromas of Chardonnay, it’s our most traditional bubbly. Make a toast to that buttery lobster or fresh fruit & enjoy!
Barefoot Bubbly Extra Dry 750ML
Barefoot Extra Dry Champagne offers delightful apple flavors and a smooth finish, making it a real gold medal winner (seriously). Fresh fruit and light desserts make for a seamless victory.
Barefoot Bubbly Moscato Spumante 750ML
Sweet as a peach! Apricot and peachy flavors mix it up with a crisp acidity that hangs around with a really nice finish named tangerine. Keep it sweet with dessert or heat it up with a plate of something spicy.
Barefoot Bubbly Pinot Grigio 750ML
Sparkles are our favorite! Light-bodied and refreshing, our Bubbly Pinot Grigio bubbles over with citrus flavors and orange blossom aromas. Fantastic alone or with some grilled fish.
Barefoot Bubbly Prosecco 750ML
Barefoot Bubbly Prosecco is a crisp and inviting sparkling wine with soft citrus flavors that dance through delicate bubbles. Keep it sweet with some fresh fruit or heat it up with your favorite spicy dish.
Barefoot Bubbly Tropical Fusion 750ML
Barefoot this deliciously sweet and bubbly blend visits exotic lands that bear the fruit of fresh pineapple, island mango and papaya.
Bellavista Franciacorta Gran Cuvee Saten 750ML
Bellavista creamy and abundant froth, very fine, persistent perlage; straw yellow w/golden hues, intense, complex bouquet of peach blossoms, nuts and honey; fresh and appealing, mellow and delicate, v. elegant, feminine & well balanced. The name is very appropriate, for this is a feminine, satin-smooth, graceful cuvée from extremely rigorous selections, issued in limited quantities. The wine ferments and ages in small oak barrels, and is 100% Chardonnay from the oldest hillside vineyards, at the highest elevations and fully southern exposures, close to the Bellavista winery in Erbusco.
Beringer Sparkling White Zinfandel 750ML
Beringer the nose has lovely floral notes that are reminiscent of the wonderfully refreshing Spumante's of Italy, with citrus and strawberry fruit nuances. The palate begins with a nice, classic "mousse" mouthfeel, and strawberry, brown spice and citrus flavors interplay with a refreshing acidity that carries everything into a long, delicious finish.
Bottega Liquid Metal Rose Gold Brut 750ML
Bottega Liquid Metal color: A lovely salmon pink with generous, persistent bubbles Bouquet: A pronounced nose of peach blossoms, strawberries and raspberries Taste: Dry, fresh, fragrant and lively with intense flowery touches and ripe red fruits with a pleasant aftertaste.
Ca' Momi Ca' Secco 750ML
Ca' Momi this refreshing and gently frizzante white wine has hints of tropical flavors with delicate notes of pear, apples and lemon zest and tastes of stone fruit from the apricot family.
Canard Duchene Brut 750ML
Canard Duchene viewing: Straw yellow color, fine bubbles. Nose: Intense fresh fruits aromas, characteristic of Pinot grapes. Tasting: Fresh fruit flavors mingled with buttery toast notes, the sign of good maturity. This champagne is delightful to drink at any time of the day and is particularly good as an aperitif. It is a fine accompaniment for white meat.