Compass Box Hedonism 750ML
Compass Box elegant flavours of vanilla cream, toffee, coconut. Recommended as an aperitif, serve with a small amount of chilled water. Late in the evening, serve neat. Also makes a great whisky sour. Hedonism is unusual in the Scotch whisky world: a blended grain Scotch whisky. It is very rare to see 100% grain whisky bottlings, in Scotland. Going back 100 years, grain whisky brands were more common, but they were overtaken in popularity by the big brands of blended Scotch, which comprised both grain whisky and malt whisky. Today, most Scotch grain whisky gets blended into the big brand names, typically at young ages. For Hedonism, we search for old casks of Scotch grain whisky. And we only produce Hedonism once a year, when we find casks with the right flavour profile.
Compass Box Oak Cross 750ML
Compass Box On the palate, notes of clove and vanilla accent a sweet maltiness and subtle fruit character.
Compass Box The Spice Tree Malt Scotch 750ML
Big, sweet aromas of clove, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. The palate is full, round and sweet, with the spice and vanilla complementing the core distillery characters and leaving a long finish. Recommendations: Its rich, bold flavours make it most suitable for after dinner sipping, as an accompaniment to certain cheeses, and ideal in cocktails.
Corralejo Tequila Reposado 750ML
Fruit-filled, with hints of pepper, exceptionally smooth and clean, this tequila provides a rare and unforgettable experience. The reposado has rich, smoky flavors that are perfect straight or in a margarita.
Courvoisier V.S. 80 750 ML
Courvoisier VS (Very Special) is a mouth-watering blend of cognacs offering complex fruity notes, with a unique richness and depth.
Courvoisier V.S.O.P 80 750ML
Discerning, elegant and complex, VSOP Fine Cognac develops exceptional aromas of jasmine, peach and toasted almond. This cognac intricately crafted is exquisitely balanced.
Crown Royal
Crown Royal has a pale copper color. Caramel taffy apple nose. A soft entry leads to a lighter-bodied palate with fainty fruity, caramel notes. Finishes quickly. Only the finest quality blends are used to produce this premium Canadian whiskey.
Crown Royal Black
Crown Royal a bolder, darker and more robust whisky blended at 90 proof, yet with the signature smoothness of Crown Royal. It has a deeper oak background with dark, sweet, maple notes and a light vanilla flavor towards the finish.
Crown Royal Special Reserve
Crown Royal Our Master Whisky Blender, Andrew MacKay, hand selected the whiskies with the body and taste that were necessary for achieving the exceptional depth of Crown Royal Reserve. The end result is his gift to Crown Royal® enthusiasts: a creamy, rich, reserve-grade blend, flush with sharp clove, and cinnamon top points of rye.
Crown Royal XO 750ML
Crown Royal crafted by the Crown Royal Master Blender, XO furthers the Crown Royal® signature blend from 50 of our finest whiskies, and then finishes them in cognac casks. Resulting in both an extraordinary complex and smooth expression, Crown Royal® XO is an elegant whisky that is deliciously balanced with hints of vanilla, spice and rich dry fruit. This extraordinary blend is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks.
Crown Royal XR 750ML
Crown Royal the man responsible for developing the exceptional taste of Crown Royal XR is Andrew MacKay, Master Blender. Working with the rarest whiskies from the legendary Waterloo distillery, he set out with passion and perseverance to create nothing short of the finest whisky ever made. The result is a sublime blend of extraordinary smoothness, a truly distinguished spirit.
Cruzan Aged Dark Rum
An exquisite blend of rums aged two to four years in charred oak casks, Cruzan® Aged Dark Rum delivers a smooth, full-bodied, aromatic taste with every slow sip.
Cruzan Aged Light Rum
Cruzan® Aged Light Rum is a blend of rums aged one to four years in American oak casks—then treated to a filtration process that lightens the color and brings out a full-bodied, smooth taste you’ll love.
Cruzan Black Cherry Rum 750ML
A sweet and smoothly flavored Cruzan with distinct character of cherry. Cruzan Black Cherry Rum can be enjoyed over ice or mixed with fresh fruit juices to create a refreshing summer cocktail.
Cruzan Coconut Rum
Although it's darn near impossible to get into the coconut without proper tools, it's one of the most beloved flavors there is. Cruzan Coconut Rum is a smooth blend of rum and the natural, creamy flavor of coconut. This was one of the first flavors Cruzan introduced and it goes perfectly with fresh fruit juices or any soda. Also enjoyable as a dessert topping or in a chocolate-coconut rum cake.
Cruzan Single Barrel Estate Rum 750ML
Cruzan Single Barrel Estate Rum is crafted from a blend of aged rums (up to 12 years) with secondary aging in a single oak cask. Relax and enjoy this 80 proof, full-bodied mellow rum, you deserve the best!
Cruzan Strawberry Rum 750ML
You won't pick a sweeter berry than Cruzan® Strawberry Rum. Cruzan Strawberry Rum delivers the natural flavor of real strawberries. “The aromas of [Cruzan Strawberry] can best be described as a sweet strawberry dream. And the taste makes that dream come true. Drinking it alone is like drinking an already made cocktail
Cruzan Vanilla Rum
Cruzan® Vanilla Rum is more than just rich, robust and full of natural vanilla flavor— it’s one versatile rum! You’ll so frequently find it behind the bar because it mixes well with cola, fresh fruit juices.
Crystal Head Vodka 750ML
This unique package is inspired by the legend of the thirteen crystal heads. Perfect skulls with unknown origins have been found through the world and date back thousands of years. Crystal clear and clean. The location was chosen for the purity of land and water.
Cuervo Especial Gold Tequila
The world's leading brand of tequila. Smooth tasting, with a hint of sweetness and a rich, well-balanced character of oak, spice and vanilla tones. The classic margarita ingredient.
Cuervo Especial Silver Tequila
Clean, clear and colorless with notes and aromas of agave, fresh & clean, finishing warm and smooth. Better known as Cuervo Silver, this new Tequila is the epitome of smooth. The Master distillers at Jose Cuervo have made this unique blend with Tequila aficionados in mind. Try this sweet and smooth libation as a chilled shot or in a variety of cocktails including the classic margarita and the Cuervo paloma.
Cuervo Tradicional Silver Tequila 750ML
Jose Cuervo Tradicional Since 1795, Tequila aficionados have been choosing Jose Cuervo Tradicional®. This award-winning classic is crafted from 100% blue agave and rested (reposado, in Spanish) in oak barrels for a smoother, more refined taste. It was the Cuervo familys first creation, and its still the #1 selling 100% Agave Reposado Tequila in Mexico.* Those in the know keep a bottle chilled in the freezer and are always ready to serve their friends a crisp, smooth, frozen shot of Jose Cuervo Tradicional®.
Cuervo Tradicional Tequila Reposado 750ML
Rested in white oak barrels, this legendary handcrafted 100% blue agave tequila is still made with the same traditional methods that Jose Cuervo used when he first began producing tequila in 1795. The Cuervo family continues to proudly seal each bottle with the symbol of their family name.
Dalmore Single Highland Malt Scotch 12 year old 750ML
The Dalmore colour: Rich, deep, golden mahogany. Nose: Intense and firm. Well structured with silky smooth malty tones - a hint of Oloroso sherry lingers in the background. It shows great finesse, extolling fragrances of orange, marmalade and spiced notes. Taste: Good attack on the mouth, more elegance than muscle. The aged Oloroso butts smooth its rich, fleshy body with great harmony. Almost a concentrated citric mouth-feel captivates and tantalises the middle part of your tongue. An aftertaste of great abundance rewards the palate. A Highland malt of great distinction.