
  • [yellow tail] Merlot

    Ripe and appealing with red berry and cherry fruit flavors along with a hint of mint. Picks up a touch of vanilla on the soft, velvety finish. Perfect for any meal, or to serve at your next party.

  • [yellow tail] Reserve Merlot 750ML

    Rich, fruity nose of ripe blackberry and dark chocolate aromas with underlying nuances of sweet oak. The palate boasts layers of black cherry, vanilla and mocha combining in a soft, velvety mouth-feel. Good texture, balanced tannins and a hint of spice make for a long finish.

  • 14 Hands Merlot 750ML

    14 Hands Merlot offers classic Washington aromas of blackberries, plums and black cherries. Expressive flavors of berries and cherries are joined by subtle nuances of mocha and spice. While soft and approachable, this wine maintains a firm backbone of tannins.

  • 181 Merlot 750ML

    A lavish expression of classic Bordeaux-style Merlot, bursting with plush tannins and sumptuous notes of black cherry, vanilla, stone fruit and toast. Flavors of currant and spicy cedar end with a lingering, luxurious finish

  • Barefoot Merlot

    Barefoot Merlot is the perfect combo of cherry, boysenberry, plum and chocolate flavors. Raised right, it’s well rounded with mild tannins. Perfect with beef, poultry and dessert are just a few of the places this wine can go.

  • Beringer California Collection Merlot

    Grapes for the California Collection Merlot were picked at the peak of maturity to maintain the fruit's rich, ripe flavors in the finished wine. Winemaking focused on accentuating the deep red fruit flavors from the grapes with the sweet spices of oak, resulting in a smooth, fruit-forward wine with a pleasing finish.

  • Beringer Founders Estate Merlot

    The Beringer Founders' Estate Merlot is approachable and delicious. Hints of plum and brown spice on the nose compliment the boysenberry, blackberry and blueberry finish on the palate. It's well-balanced, soft tannins make this wine a perfect accompaniment to a variety of foods, such as grilled meats or hearty vegetable dishes.

  • Black Box Merlot

    The Merlot displays aromas of leathery plums and cinnamon-spiced oak. The palate is smooth, medium weight, aged-textured with sweet red currant flavors. It finishes long and warm with resolved tannins. This Merlot has nice acidity that allows versatility in pairing with food. Try with hearty dishes with grilled meat or anything that is heavy on tomato based sauce. It would do well.

  • Blackbird Vineyards Arise Red 750ML

    Blackbird Vineyards the Arise exudes perfumes of cherry, blackberry, tobacco, and vanilla. Upon entry, the soft mouth- feel reveals flavors of black cherry, truffle, and subtle black olive which unfold into a succulent finish. The Napa Valley grape growing season presented fickle weather conditions due to the relatively cool spring coupled with unexpected heat spikes in late summer. The outcome was a lower-yielding harvest that produced supple wines with European-style texture and great complexity.

  • Blackbird Vineyards Illustration 750ML

    Blackbird Vineyards the Illustration demonstrates elegant notes of mocha and toffee with opulent red fruit and iris aromas. The well balanced mid-palate offers great density and abundant flavors of cocoa, butterscotch and stone fruit. The finish is persis- tent in length with sophisticated tannins leading to a smooth mouth feel. Drinking well upon release, Illustration will age beautifully with time in the cellar. Blackbird's vintage wines showcase grapes farmed from a lower- yielding harvest that produced supple wines with European-style texture and pronounced complexity.

  • Blackstone Merlot 750ML

    The aroma of the Blackstone Merlot was earthy and the alcohol was subtle but noticeable. Aromas of raspberry were noted along with a hint of leather saddle. On the palate, the wine was delicate and dry. Raspberry flavors, not surprisingly, were evident. There was also a very slight hint of vanilla. Mouthfeel of the Blackstone Merlot was cottony. Balanced tannins affected the front of the tongue and the bottom of the cheeks, close to the gums. The wine finished short with the tannins providing some lasting sensations. No alcohol was noted in the breathe out.

  • Bogle Merlot 750ML

    Bogle's long cool growing season produced Merlot grapes unparalleled in quality. Full-bodied and big, the resulting wine resonates with bright cherry and dried herbs on the nose. Rich flavors of black currants and a touch of summer fig combine with savory black pepper to create a wine mouthfilling and intense, yet silky smooth and approachable. After twelve months in American oak, the wine has a complex, developed palate that finishes with perfect acidity and a long, lingering finish. Our Merlot can easily be enjoyed on its own or with a multitude of different food pairings: soft cheeses and paté, pork or pasta dishes. Your imagination should be limitless…

  • Bolla Merlot

    Bright ruby red with a full bouquet of cranberries,cherries, plums and raspberries, Bolla Merlot has an appealing bright black-cherry character enhanced by hints of licorice, vanilla and clove derived from the wood aging. It is medium-bodied, round on the palate, with a pleasant finish.

  • Bota Box Merlot

    "Front-loaded with black cherry and blackberry jam flavors, this Merlot has thick tannins and good acidity. It’s a simple wine, but easy to drink with everyday fare, like burgers and tacos."

  • Burgess Merlot 750ML

    Burgess the Merlot, like our previous vintages, demonstrates a unique intense varietal personality along with a richness associated with the vintage. The most common flavor characteristics of Merlot, blueberries and black cherries, are stunning with a hint of mint. The 2008 is 100% Merlot from our Triere Estate vineyard in the Oak Knoll District just south of Yountville. This region of Napa Valley is ideal for bringing Merlot to full maturity, with vines that are oriented north to south so that they capture both morning and afternoon sun, producing a full-bodied, rich, complex wine with a long lasting finish.

  • BV Coastal Merlot 750ML

    Fully ripe plummy aromas with hints of dark chocolate, subtle herbs and black cherry herald similarly intense fruit flavors. medium-full bodied, with a velvety texture and ripe, lush fruit balanced by subtle acidity and mild tannins.

  • Canard The Rescuer 750ML

    Canard not your typical Merlot blend form the Napa Valley. Styled after the incredible wines from the "Right Bank" in Bordeaux, this soft yet dense expression of a very elegant varietal shows star anise, crushed clove, dried sage and black cherry on the nose. Ultra fat mid palate yields to a silky smooth finish of cinnamon toast, dark chocolate, fresh black berries and cherries that will stay with you for a long time. Aged in French oak to create a long-term, age-worthy blend, this wine will cellar very well for 10+ years.

  • Cartlidge & Browne Merlot 750ML

    Cartlidge & Browne the Merlot carries the same complex flavor package as Cabernet Sauvignon, but generally has supple, mellow tannins. Notes of black fruit and briary characters on the nose. The palate will find black cherry and a lush mouth feel and well-integrated tannins, leading to a long finish of spice and berries. This wine is so well balanced with excellent acidity that it will perfectly pair with a number of foods. Will be particularly delicious with encrusted tenderloin or grilled spare ribs with smoky barbeque sauce.

  • Charles Smith The Velvet Devil 750ML

    Charles Smith Classic Merlot aromas of dark cherries, cedar, pipe tobacco. Anise, stone and cherry blossoms. Yeah, believe it! Naughty and nice, a true Velvet Devil.

  • Chateau Lagrange Pomerol Pomerol 750ML

    Aromas of espresso roast, subtle pain grille, black currants, and cigar box. Full-bodied and surprisingly powerful for a with outstanding purity, texture, and depth, patience will be required for this beauty." Reviewed by Robert Parker

  • Chateau St Jean Merlot 750ML

    Chateau St Jean Merlot Sonoma County "Aromas of sweet black cherry, black plum and toasted almonds burst from the glass of this Merlot. These bright fruit characters carry over onto the palate and mingle with notes of blackberry, dark chocolate and clove. A rich and full mid-palate, with polished tannins, leads to a lush finish with cassis on the close."

  • Chateau Ste. Michelle Canoe Ridge Estate Merlot 750ML

    The Canoe Ridge Estate Merlot is an elegant expression of Washington Merlot and offers dark cherry fruit character. This is a great food wine and its dusty tannins make it a perfect match with Italian food.

  • Chateau Ste. Michelle Indian Wells Merlot 750ML

    Chateau Ste. Michelle we craft this wine to be our complex yet approachable Merlot. The wine offers aromas of black cherry, leather and spice with layers of rich dark red fruit flavors and a long, smooth, sweet finish. A touch of Syrah adds a jammy fruit character.

  • Clos Du Val Merlot Napa Valley 750ML

    Characteristic of Clos Du Vals world-class style, the Merlot continues the winerys tradition of producing truly elegant wines of balance and complexity. Refined and plum in color, it offers complex yet vibrant aromas of black currant, dark chocolate, nutmeg and toffee. The mouth-feel is silky and evolved, with flavors of black cherry and blueberry complimented by a silky, lingering finish.
