
  • Benton-Lane First Class Pinot Noir 750ML

    Benton-Lane this deep ruby colored wine exhibits classic aromas of cherry and blackberries, with complex underlying scents of mocha, anise, cedar, and forest floor. Very ripe, fine tannins and balanced acidity create a rich, velvety texture that leads into an extremely long finish. The exquisite balance in this wine makes it a very versatile food wine, but it pairs exceptionally well with red meat dishes and other savory fare.

  • Benton-Lane Pinot Noir 750ML

    Benton-Lane while wrapped in a hint of spice, the aromas of this wine are dominated by bright red fruits like rhubarb, strawberry and cranberry. On the palate, it exhibits lithe fruitiness and lingering cherry and berry flavors. The wine is medium bodied with a silky texture and would be very versatile in pairing with many types of food.

  • Benziger Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon has weight, structure and well integrated tannins. Dark berry flavors introduce the wine followed by hints of tea, cocoa and coffee. A well supported mid palate gives way to a long, soft finish.

  • Benziger Chardonnay Carneros 750ML

    Certified sustainable farming methods are the cornerstone of Benziger Vineyards and this Chardonnay reflects the authentic flavors, aromas and character of organic and natural vineyard management. Flavors of ripe peach, pear and vanilla greet you with a round mouthfeel with subtle oak flavor. Family, great wines, healthy vineyards.

  • Bergstrom Le Pré Du Col Pinot Noir 750ML

    Bergstrom this wine has a great, ripe mouthfeel for such a late vintage, but the hallmark 2011 juicy, mouthwatering acidity presents itself on the finish, with youthfully taught tannins that are both ripe and sweet. The aromas echo in the mouth, with complementary flavors of earthy mushrooms, incense, dried herbs, ripe strawberries and a wonderful sweetness of fruit that makes this Pinot Noir irresistible now, although I believe it needs one more year in the bottle to start developing the earthy mineral profile I usually associate with this vineyard and AVA.

  • Bergstrom Shea Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ML

    Bergstrom black raspberry in color, the Shea Vineyard Pinot Noir has explosive aromas of fresh blueberries, blackberries and a strong floral component of sweet violets. This wine is vibrant in the mouth with pure and poignant fruit flavors. A wet stone mineral aspect, great freshness and mouthwatering acidity are further framed by silky smooth, soft, almost transparent tannins.

  • Beringer California Collection Chardonnay 1.5L

    An immediately pleasing wine, this Chardonnay is an enticing blend of ripe stone fruit and vivid citrus flavors. The bright citrus perfectly offsets the honeyed apricot, culminating in a smooth, delicious wine with a lasting finish. It is a wonderfully approachable and refreshing wine, full of lush fruit flavors and aromas that conjure up the bounty and sunshine of California.

  • Beringer California Collection Merlot

    Grapes for the California Collection Merlot were picked at the peak of maturity to maintain the fruit's rich, ripe flavors in the finished wine. Winemaking focused on accentuating the deep red fruit flavors from the grapes with the sweet spices of oak, resulting in a smooth, fruit-forward wine with a pleasing finish.

  • Beringer California Collection Pinot Grigio

    Hot days, warm nights--bring on the Beringer Pinot Grigio as the stars come out. A refreshing bit of white peach and citrus; sip it while your honey grills the chicken and you toss the salad. A long even growing season yields complex flavors in this perfect Pinot.

  • Beringer California Collection Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Beringer California Sauvignon Blanc has a pleasant aroma that is mildly rich. It is soft, smooth and easy; light-hearted with core fruit flavors that play on the palate.

  • Beringer California Collection White Zinfandel

    Fresh and delicious with berry-like fruit flavors and aromas of citrus and honeydew. Enjoyable with a wide variety of foods, it pairs especially well with today's spicy cuisine.

  • Beringer Founders Estate Cabernet Sauvignon

    The Beringer Founders Estate Cabernet Sauvignon bursts with lush black fruit and intense cassis flavors that compliment the baking spice and vanilla aromas. Structured tannins and a long finish make this unmistakably a California Cabernet that can be enjoyed immediately.

  • Beringer Founders Estate Chardonnay

    "To impart highlights of vanilla, caramel and nutmeg, Ron barrel fermented and aged 70 percent of the Chardonnay in French and American oak barrels (20 percent new) for eight months. Fermenting the remainder in stainless steel maintained a bright, fresh fruit balance. The resulting wine has ripe pear and pineapple, and mango flavors highlighted by citrus, Granny Smith apple and hints of baking spices."

  • Beringer Founders Estate Merlot

    The Beringer Founders' Estate Merlot is approachable and delicious. Hints of plum and brown spice on the nose compliment the boysenberry, blackberry and blueberry finish on the palate. It's well-balanced, soft tannins make this wine a perfect accompaniment to a variety of foods, such as grilled meats or hearty vegetable dishes.

  • Beringer Founders Estate Pinot Grigio 750ML

    On a hot summer day, a chilled glass of this crisp and refreshing Pinot is pretty heavenly. Aromas of lime and apple with just a touch of honeysuckle meet with lovely, rounded flavors of nectarine, apricot, juicy white peach and citrus fruits. A perfect partner with fresh salads, grilled chicken, shrimp and salads.

  • Beringer Founders Estate Pinot Noir 750ML

    Rich red and black cherry flavors of this Pinot Noir are layered with subtle undertones of black pepper, orange spice, leather and tobacco. It pairs equally well with subtle foods such as roast chicken or grilled turkey breast as with more flavorful foods such as lasagna, pizza, beef brochettes or stir-fry chicken.

  • Beringer Founders Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    "This Sauvignon Blanc is one of my favorites as I find it immediately quaffable and charming. There is a wonderfully refreshing grapefruit flavor along with a clean grassy note that makes it an ideal for many meals and enjoying anytime the sun is out or you’re just craving some!” - Mary Sullivan, Winemaker, Beringer Founders’ Estate

  • Beringer Knights Valley Alluvium Blanc 750ML

    The proprietary Alluvium name pays homage to the alluvial soils of Knights Valley – a vineyard that I've always loved visiting. There is nothing more satisfying than tasting the first Sauvignon Blanc grapes during harvest, and being able to showcase those enticing flavors in the glass a year later. Lemon curd, apricot, nutmeg and grapefruit zest flavors are immediate, and accented by light floral, white pepper and citrus aromas. The combination of the bright fruit core followed by a toasty, silky finish is reminiscent of a meyer lemon custard

  • Beringer Moscato 4PK

    Grapes for the California Collection Moscato were picked as soon as they achieved the perfect balance of ripe fruit flavors and vibrant structure. Winemaking techniques were employed to maintain the vivid flavors naturally found in Moscato grapes.

  • Beringer Pinot Grigio 4pk

    Hot days, warm nights--bring on the Beringer Pinot Grigio as the stars come out. A refreshing bit of white peach and citrus; sip it while your honey grills the chicken and you toss the salad. A long even growing season yields complex flavors in this perfect Pinot.

  • Beringer Private Reserve Chardonnay Napa Valley 750ML

    Aromas of grilled stone fruits and toasted hazelnuts are complemented by flavors of ripe tropical fruit and notes of lemon and lime. A generous, creamy mouthfeel is rounded out by balanced acidity and a lengthy, elegant finish. For this vintage, each Chardonnay lot was kept separate throughout the aging process. After sending the fruit directly to press, winemaker Laurie Hook fermented the juice in French oak barrels (88 percent new) to enhance the natural richness in the wine. All of the wine was put through malolactic fermentation to encourage a lush creaminess. After 9 months aging, Laurie chose the most expressive lots and blended them to create a richly layered wine with aromas of crème brulee and rich citrus and fruit flavors.

  • Beringer Sparkling White Zinfandel 750ML

    Beringer the nose has lovely floral notes that are reminiscent of the wonderfully refreshing Spumante's of Italy, with citrus and strawberry fruit nuances. The palate begins with a nice, classic "mousse" mouthfeel, and strawberry, brown spice and citrus flavors interplay with a refreshing acidity that carries everything into a long, delicious finish.

  • Beringer White Merlot

    This Merlot is smooth and flavorful, with soft plum and black cherry aromas and flavors. It pairs beautifully with grilled meats, salmon or even pizza with fresh Mozzarella, tomatoes and basil. This Merlot is smooth and flavorful, with soft plum and black cherry aromas and flavors. It pairs beautifully with grilled meats, salmon or even pizza with fresh Mozzarella, tomatoes and basil.
