  • Gerard Bertrand Gris Blanc Rosé 750ML

    Gerard Bertrand an original rosé with a very pale pink colour plus grey and whitish tints. The bouquet reveals delightful red berry scents. A slight sparkle on the palate gives the wine all its freshness and brings out its fruit to the full. The elegant finish is pleasantly fresh and mineral. Grenache is the king of grape varieties when it comes to making light, racy, fruity rosés in contemporary style. Grenache reveals all its suppleness and cherry aromas. Its fig and sometimes cocoa flavours, plus its rounded sensations on the palate, make it one of the great varieties of the South of France. Food and Wine Pairing: To be savoured at 10-12°C as an aperitif, with seafood, Mediterranean-style salads, Asian dishes, baked fish and spicy and stronger-tasting dishes such as Thai curries or tajines.

  • Gerard Bertrand Pinot Noir 750ML

    Gerard Bertrand the Pinot Noir is a fragile, demanding variety which is capable of producing extremely fine red wines. It produces nicely rounded and fruity wines which should be opened when young. In more concentrated versions produced from low-yield vines, the wines gain in structure and aromatic complexity with sometimes velvety textures and great ageing potential. This 100% Pinot Noir comes from vineyards in the region's coolest areas set at altitude. It is a fruity wine offering notes of ripe cherry, wild raspberry and spices, as well as silky tannins and an elegant, balanced finish.

  • Gerard Bertrand Tautavel Grand Terroir 750ML

    An intense, radiant robe with a subtlebrowntinge. Intensely fruity on the nose, withred fruit and raspberry aromas underpinned by complex, spicy notes. A wonderful combination of supple tannins and delicate notes of scrubland and spices on the palate.

  • Geyser Peak Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Much lore surrounds the history of the Cabernet Sauvignon grape and its popularity serves to only make it more mysterious and compelling. Its name is widely thought to stem from the French word ‘sauvage’ meaning ‘wild’ and whether accurate or not this purported origin seems apt for a grape that can be successfully grown in almost any climate. Adding to its allure is the varietal’s affinity for oak aging and the development of bottle bouquet both of which give the wine a long cellar life and complexity. Cabernet produces wines of great length and texture with rich fruit and underlying spice making it a fabulous partner to many cuisines. COLOR: Purple-red NOSE: Blueberry, blackberry, hazelnut, espresso, olive, herbs de provence PALATE: Full and soft with black cherry, fresh blueberry, peppercorn and mocha

  • Geyser Peak Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    The fresh style of Sauvignon Blanc for which Geyser Peak is famous is best enjoyed in the first 18 months after release when the fruit flavors are most abundant and the acidity bright and crisp. We aimed to capture the best of Sauvignon Blanc’s identity by blending grassier elements (reminiscent of the Southern Hemisphere style) with citrus and mineral notes (most typical in the French style) and passion fruit and melon flavors (typical of the California New World style). As such, our Sauvignon Blanc offers authentic varietal character that can be appreciated by both the novice and the connoisseur.

  • Ghost Pines Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    This Cabernet displays aromas and flavors of plums and blackberries, with layered notes of mocha, toasted pound cake and roasted nuts. This wine has superb complexity.

  • Ghost Pines Chardonnay 750ML

    Ghost Pines Chardonnay possesses expressive fruit-forward characters, the result of sourcing only Premium fruit from three of California's most recognized Chardonnay appellations: Sonoma, onterey and Napa Counties. Modern winemaking techniques allow this wine to express characters of aked apple, pear and lemon cream accented by an elegant and sweet vanilla finish.

  • Ghost Pines Merlot 750ML

    Sourcing from both the Sonoma and Napa appellations allows our winemaker to blend a wine which accentuates the best of what each region has to offer. Our Merlot has the powerful structure of Napa balanced with the luscious mixed berry fruit of Sonoma, all in one bottle. This Merlot brings both of these elements together in full-force along with some marvelous aromas of dried black cherry and humidor with toastiness from our judicious use of French and American Oak. The result is a wine with a dense body from the cooler vintage showing through in the more classically structured tannins. Truly a wine that lives up to our philosophy; excellence has no boundaries.

  • Ghost Pines Red Blend 750ML

    Ghost Pines Red Blend showcases the complexity and balance that the right combination of the right grapes can achieve. The Bordeaux varieties of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot in this blend act as the stoic Dr. Jekyll, while the Petite Sirah, Zinfandel and Sangiovese are a classic Hyde: assertive, aggressive and maybe even a little disturbed. Aromas of blueberry and blackberry pie are framed nicely by salted caramel, spice and truffle notes. Rich and full-bodied, this blend offers chewy tannins and a long, luscious finish.

  • Ghost Pines Zinfandel 750ML

    Our Ghost Pines Zinfandel blends fruit from Sonoma and San Joaquin counties to accentuate the best ofwhat each county has to offer. This blend opens up with complex aromas of macaroon fresh out of the oven with a coconut cream pie chaser, Szechuan peppercorns in hot oil and berry pie that's interlaced throughout those spices. In the mouth it becomes more about the cardamom. Like that background note in a great cinnamon roll or the undefinable essence of a fine cup of tea, there's a real intrigue to the spice in this wine that leaves a lingering finish.

  • Ginestet Mascaron Bordeaux Red 750ML

    The technical and aesthetic characteristics of the bottle contribute to the popularity of the Mascaron par Ginestet range. The wine proposed today is a red Bordeaux selected from Ginestet’s best vinifications thanks to the latest oenological techniques. This wine comes in a splendid garnet red colour. On the nose, it is marked by notes of black fruit intermingled with spicy fragrances, the sign of optimal ripeness. The woody aromas lend body to the wine which offers an excellent length backed by fine, silky tannins. This product, crafted from the selection of our finest vats, reflects all the know-how of the House of Ginestet.

  • Giocato Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Giocato Pinot Grigio is made from grapes hand-selected from some of the best sites alongthe Italian border in Slovenia. It is bright and crisp, with aromas of delicious green apple, acacia flower, and almonds. It is perfect with seafood or poultry. Ready to enjoy now.

  • Giovello Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Giovello straw-yellow with golden hues. Marked and distinct bouquet with hints of acacia flowers. Taste is dry and rich, pleasantly bitterish with notes of mugwort. Ideal with ham and soft cheeses, excellent with first courses with red sauces and with white meat dishes.

  • Girard Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 750ML

    Aromatics of mocha, vanilla bean, toffee and espresso. On the palate there’s dusty cocoa powder, blackberries and cassis. Bright acidity helps showcase the vivid red fruits intermingling with dark fruit components. The cabernet finishes with leather, toast and chocolate covered cherries.

  • Girasole Chardonnay 750ML

    Medium golden straw in color with fresh and lively aromas of lemon-lime, vanilla and custard. This medium-bodied wine exhibits flavors of lemon zest, nectarine and lightly toasted graham crackers. It offers a very smooth and creamy mouthfeel, ending with a balanced mix of fruit and lightly toasted oak.

  • Girasole Pinot Blanc 750ML

    Girasole light straw in color with bright yellow hues. A refreshing white wine, fermented entirely in stainless steel and bottled early to preserve the green apple and ripe pear flavors. This is a vibrant, dry wine, with a terrific balance of sweet fruit, crisp acids and our signature Mendocino minerality.

  • Girasole Pinot Noir 750ML

    Girasole Pinot Noir exhibits hues of red roses and ruby jewel tones. Wonderful aromas of strawberry, cherry and clove give way to sweet red cherries on the palate. A touch of new French oak lends texture and helps frame the wonderful sweet red fruit that radiates from this wine, and that classic Mendocino mineral backbone carries it to a long and lingering finish. This wine will pair wonderfully with braised duck breast with a cranberry reduction, or plank grilled salmon with garlic mashed potatoes. Of course, pulling a cork and having a glass or two on the porch would work too!

  • Girasole Sangiovese 750ML

    Girasole captivating aromas of dark ripe cherries, plum and spice notes. Flavors of chocolate dipped cherries, summer plums and mocha notes wash across your palate. Medium to light tannins frame a long and lingering finish. This wine will pair beautifully with pizza, roast chicken or steaks from the grill. Made with organically grown grapes. Vegan friendly.

  • Giuseppe Lonardi Valpolicella Classico Superiore Ripasso 750ML

    Giuseppe Lonardi color: Deep ruby red Soft and full fruity bouquet with cherry sensation on the nose and palate. Slightly velvety, dry and bitterish.

  • Gloria Ferrer Blanc de Noirs 375ML

    Gloria Ferrer bright strawberry and black cherry aromas with subtle vanilla highlights. Creamy cherry, lemon and cola flavors combine with a lush palate, small, lively bubbles and a persistent finish.

  • Gnarly Head Authentic Red 750ML

    Gnarly Head authentic Red is a rowdy blend based on Zinfandel. Syrah, and Merlot with a splash of Malbec. The Zinfandel component in this blend hails from some of the oldest vines in California, and these brash, unruly vines produce full flavored grapes. Authentic Red has a juicy core of lush black cherry and raspberry flavors with layers of spice and vanilla. Boldly pair this wine with BBQ ribs, a hearty burger, or go all out with New Orleans style red beans and rice.

  • Gnarly Head Authentic White 750ML

    Authentic White is a "Gnarly" blend of tasty white varietals including Riesling, Moscato, Sauvignon Blanc and Viognier. It's authentically delicious and a great food wine! This white blend is lush and juicy on the palate with aromas of pear, green apple and honeysuckle. Flavors of melon, nectarine and crisp lemon zest finish this vibrant profile.

  • Gnarly Head Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Gnarly Head our dark, bold Cabernet has solid tannins and jammy fruit, with aromas and flavors of black cherry, currant, dried cranberry and black peppercorn followed by a trio of clove, earth and light toast. Gnarly Cabernet Sauvignon is a worthy companion to the heartiest meals, be sure to try it with grilled lamb, New York strip steak with roasted potatoes, baked manicotti or some bold blue cheese.

  • Gnarly Head Chardonnay 750ML

    Gnarly Head Chardonnay is fresh, vibrant and fruit forward – a Chardonnay for an adventurous spirit. The Gnarly Head winemakers carefully select grapes from California’s finest growing regions, choosing only the best fruit. Fresh, bright and bursting with juicy flavor, Gnarly Chardonnay kicks America’s most beloved white wine up a notch. Our flavorful Chardonnay has bright, tropical fruit aromas and flavors of pineapple, citrus, pear and melon with a touch of vanilla on the finish. Chill down a bottle and enjoy with some Pad Thai, rotisserie chicken, Tex Mex or grilled shrimp kabobs.
