
  • Cakebread Anderson Valley Pinot Noir 750ML

    Cakebread our Anderson Valley Pinot Noir is decidedly masculine in style with ripe, dense aromas of earthy blackcurrant, black plum and spicy brambleberry fruit mingled with pronounced dark chocolate and roast coffee scents. On the palate, the wine is big, rich and concentrated with intense, spicy black fruit and dark chocolate flavors bolstered by ripe, mouth-coating tannins. Delicious now with hearty fare, this big, strapping Pinot Noir will soften and gain further complexity with another 3 to 5 years of bottle age.

  • Cakebread Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Cakebread fragrant boysenberry, blackberry, dark cherry, cassis and Mission fig aromas comprise the fresh, fruitful nose of our Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. The first sip of the wine reveals a big, boldly structured Cabernet with deeply concentrated black fruit flavors and intriguing dusty, loamy and mineral-y tones that add wonderful dimension and complexity. Boasting an undercurrent of soft, plush fruit that will emerge further with aging, this sophisticated, yet approachable Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon will reward another 5-7 years' cellaring.

  • Cakebread Napa Valley Chardonnay 750ML

    Cakebread our Napa Valley Chardonnay offers delightfully fragrant, slightly yeasty aromas of ripe pear, apple and guava fruit complemented by hints of honeysuckle, mineral and toasted oak. It likewise hits the mark on the palate, delivering sensationally concentrated pear, spiced apple and melon flavors that culminate in a long finish lifted by zesty spice and mineral tones. Bold and beautifully balanced, with great depth and breadth of flavor, our Chardonnay is a delicious expression of a picture-perfect vintage. It will continue to please over the next 3-5 years.

  • Cakebread Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Cakebread the startlingly fresh, vivid aromas of our Sauvignon Blanc literally leap out of the glass, redolent of just-cut white grapefruit, bracing gooseberry, lime and kiwi, and ripe honeydew melon, with subordinate spice and vanilla scents. On the medium-bodied palate, the wine's ripe grapefruit, guava, melon, green apple and mineral flavors are remarkably rich, intense, concentrated and vibrant, with a long, full finish packed with fresh fruit and mineral/chalky (a la White Bordeaux) tones. This is our 38th vintage of Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc, and it's a doozy, unquestionably one of our best. Savor it over the next 3-5 years as an ideal apèritif wine and with your favorite salad, seafood, poultry and pasta dishes.

  • Calico Jack Coconut Rum

    Calico Jack Coconut Flavored Rum combines premium imported rum with natural coconut flavors. The result is smooth and refreshing.

  • Calico Jack NO. 94 Spiced Rum

    Calico Jack No. 94 Spiced Rum is carefully blended with rare island spices and premium rum. No. 94 is surprisingly smooth, extremely versatile and perfect for those seeking a more bold spiced rum.

  • Calistoga Triumph Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Calistoga triumph Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon has depth, richness and purity of flavor. With layers of plum and plump cherry fruit and touches of chocolate, herb and subtle oak, it finishes well. This Cabernet has soft, sweet tannins and lots of elegant complexity.

  • Calistoga Triumph Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    The Cabernet has depth, richness and purity of flavor. It is a fruit forward wine with layers of plum, cherry, and a touch of chocolate. The tannins are soft, giving the wine a mellow all around taste. It has an elegance about it, which defines the Triumph Cellars Cabernets.

  • Calistoga Triumph Zinfandel 750ML

    Calistoga this Zinfandel has a deep ruby-black color, a raspberry nose, and an elegant palate with lots of plump black cherry. Many wine lovers think of Zinfandel as a wine that is jammy and has high alcohol. Ours is quite different, with a medium body mouth feel and it drinks well right now. Try this wine with any kind of cuisine. Of course, nothing is better with a barbecue than a Zinfandel!

  • Calling All Angels Chardonnay 750ML

    The Save Me San Francisco "Calling All Angels" Chardonnay has nice citrus notes with a hint of pineapple; medium-bodied and fruit-forward the wine has a long finish.

  • Calvert Extra Whiskey

    A mixture of grain spirits and straight whiskey producing a light, dry body. With notes of apple, herbs and honey and a spicy fruit finish, this whiskey is a delicate compliment to cocktails.

  • Camarena Tequila Silver 750ML

    Clear with a pure, platinum sheen, Familia Camarena 100% Blue Agave Silver Tequila shows notes of rich toasted agave and fresh green herbs. Exceptionally soft and smooth on the palate, our Silver Tequila exhibits hints of sweet vanilla, savory brown spices and black pepper with a graceful, warmiing finish. Not all Tequilas are created equal. Familia Camarena Tequila is made from 100% Blue Agave. This mythical plant takes its time to reach the perfect size and depth of flavor for making fine Tequila - sometimes as long as a decade. Some of our familly's agvae fields reach nearly 8,000 feet in the highlands region of Jalisco, Mexico, where high elevation, a mild climate and rich red earth give our Familia Camarena Tequila its refined flavor. Blue agave is the heart of any great Tequila. Highland agave azul from Jalisco is the soul of Famiolia Camarena Tequila. 100% Pure Agave in Every Bottle.

  • Cambria Julia's Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Julia’s Vineyard Pinot Noir offers dark ripe Bing cherry, raspberry and strawberry flavors that open into an underlying earthiness. A round mid-palate leads to vanilla and cinnamon spice on the silky finish.

  • Cameron Hughes Zin Your Face 750ML

    Cameron Hughes a bold, spicy, jammy, and yummy zinfandel that is quintessential California. Hailing predominantly from Lodi, this Zinfandel is classic Old Vine with a Zin-berry nose.

  • Can Blau Red 750ML

    This full-bodied wine has complex layers of dark berries, lavender, spice, minerals, and black pepper. Well-balanced and easily approachable, this wine over-delivers on value.

  • Canadian Club Whisky Small Batch Classic 12YR 750ML

    Golden amber color. Sweet caramel, dried fruit, and toasted coconut aromas. A round soft entry leads to a dry-yet-fruity medium-bodied palate with dried fruit, creme anglaise, and peppery spice flavors. Finishes with a lash of spicy heat and caramelized wood tannin. A good dose of rye makes this a spicy Canadian treat. Aged for 12 years - the extra 6 years maturing in wood produces a darker spirit with more of the traditional characteristics of aged whiskies and a richer, more aromatic flavour.

  • Canadian Hunter Canadian Whisky

    Canadian Hunter is authentic, unpretentious, smooth whisky for those who enjoy a well- crafted spirit. Golden amber color. Shy aromas of caramel salt water taffy and toasted nuts follow through on a thin watery entry to a dry light body with a wisp of honeyed wheat cracker and a brisk, pepper and dusty mineral fade.

  • Canadian Hunter Rye 90 750ML

    Canadian Hunter is authentic, unpretentious, smooth whisky for those who enjoy a well- crafted spirit. Golden amber color. Shy aromas of caramel salt water taffy and toasted nuts follow through on a thin watery entry to a dry light body with a wisp of honeyed wheat cracker and a brisk, pepper and dusty mineral fade.

  • Canadian LTD Whisky 80

    Deep golden amber color. Honey, grain husk, and raisin chutney aromas follow through on a mild entry with vanilla taffy, nutshell, and dusty tilled earth notes. Finishes with a quick caramel and pepper fade.

  • Canadian Mist

    Canadian Mist is true Canadian whisky. It is the worlds first whisky made with fresh water from the Georgian Bay, one of North Americas freshest water sources. Canadian Mist is aged in the finest white oak barrels made specifically for Canadian Mist and charred to exact specifications to impart a smooth vanilla flavor. Its accolades from around the world attest to the brands quality and authenticity. And Canadian Mist is triple-distilled for a light, clean taste that is ideal for mixing those straightforward, classic cocktails which have set the standard for decades.

  • Canard Adam's Blend 750ML

    Canard this elegant expression of a Cabernet Franc dominate blend shows classic Napa Valley fruit but made in the traditional Bordeaux-Style of the region Fronsac. This wine is dense and full bodied but with long soft tannins. Perfumed nose, hints of forest floor, strawberry jam and red plums on the nose. A smooth delicate entry yields to great structure and a long finish of ground rose buds, cocoa, rhubarb sweet cranberries and cherries. Aged in French oak to create a long-term, age-worthy blend, this will easily cellar well for 10+ years.

  • Canard Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Canard this full bodied, deep garnet Cabernet Sauvignon is dense and rich with long soft tannins and a smooth integrated structure. Classic Napa Valley, the wine is aged in French oak to create roundness and an age-worthy Cabernet Sauvignon. Shows black fruits, a touch of chocolate and notes of holiday spice on the nose. The palate is rich with black berry pie, figs, smoked meats and hints of sage brush. This wine will age easily 10+ years.

  • Canard Duchene Brut 750ML

    Canard Duchene viewing: Straw yellow color, fine bubbles. Nose: Intense fresh fruits aromas, characteristic of Pinot grapes. Tasting: Fresh fruit flavors mingled with buttery toast notes, the sign of good maturity. This champagne is delightful to drink at any time of the day and is particularly good as an aperitif. It is a fine accompaniment for white meat.

  • Canard Duchene Brut Rosé 750ML

    With its delicate, pinkish hue, Canard-Duchene Brut Rose stands apart for its intense, fresh fruit aromas of strawberries, with a subtle hint of grenadine, against a backdrop of mineral notes for enhanced freshness.