
  • Charles & Charles Chardonnay 750ML

    Charles & Charles notes of apple blossoms, lemon peel, subtle mango, and continue into mineral and wet slate. Crisp apple and orange rind - with luscious fruit and a touch of new oak without ever getting heavy.

  • Charles & Charles Rosé 750ML

    The Rosé is a gorgeous and vibrant pink color with streaks of salmon and fushia edges. Wild strawberry and watermelon aromas are interwoven with Herbs de Provence, citrus and mineral notes. These same flavors carry through to the palate where they intensify with a surprisingly broad and plush mouth feel that concludes with snappy acidity. Our goal is to create a tug-of-war of flavors between red fruit and savory notes, allowing the red fruit to just barely win out. This year Syrah dominates the blend again, but with important supporting roles of other Rhone varieties.

  • Charles Joguet Chinon Les Petites Roches 750ML

    The Charles Joguet “Les Petites Roches” Chinon is an opaque red wine, dark purple at the core to ruby at the rim with medium+ viscosity. On the nose it has moderate intense aromas of dark juicy plums, jammy blackberries, cassis, clove, cinnamon, canned black olives, coffee grounds, ash, dried tobacco, tobacco leaves, a touch of roasted green bell pepper, and hints of spice. It is dry with medium to medium+ tannin, medium+ acidity, medium+ alcohol and medium+ length finish

  • Charles Krug Carneros Chardonnay 750ML

    Charles Krug delicate pear and lemon aromas are enhanced by a hint of vanilla in our creamy Carneros Chardonnay. A crisp, mineral profile melds beautifully with apple and citrus flavors for a clean and supple finish to this wine. It is sure to pair well with lobster and poached salmon. Enjoy!

  • Charles Krug Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    The vineyards in Yountville produce Cabernet Sauvignon of exceptional intensity and complexity. This polished wine opens with aromas of black cherry, currant and a hint of tobacco. On the palate, cocoa and cassis blend with supple tannins that lead to a graceful, elegant finish.

  • Charles Krug Pinot Noir Carneros 750ML

    Our Peter Mondavi Family Pinot Noir shines with bright raspberries and violet aromas. Hints of nutmeg and sweet oak follow with the lingering taste of plum and fresh strawberries on the palate.

  • Charles Smith Boom Boom Syrah 750ML

    Everything you want in a syrah....smooth, firm, fresh & dark...super dense purple with meaty dark fruit, Asain five spice & sweet tobacco. Intense yet plush will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF! Charles Smith

  • Charles Smith Eve Chardonnay 750ML

    Charles Smith this is really good. Pure, focused, with great balance. Layers of tangerine, Asian pear, apple blossoms and minerals. The finish is long and so satisfying.

  • Charles Smith Kung Fu Girl Riesling 750ML

    Charles Smith white stone fruit, white peach, apricot, cool and delicious. Think Fuji apple, shiro plum, lime leaves. Focused and a verya long, minerally finish. Kung Fu Girl.....too pure! Food Pairings: Spicy Thai dishes or grilled seafood.

  • Charles Smith The Velvet Devil 750ML

    Charles Smith Classic Merlot aromas of dark cherries, cedar, pipe tobacco. Anise, stone and cherry blossoms. Yeah, believe it! Naughty and nice, a true Velvet Devil.

  • Charles Smith Vino Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Charles Smith a wine that tastes not "made" but "grown." Aromas of cut summer hay. Lychee and passion fruit complement the guava and intense mineral palate. Thirst quenching and complex. Italian inspired and locally produced.

  • Chasing Venus Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Chasing Venus wines are produced from grapes grown on small family farms in the acclaimed Marlborough appellation. Griggs Vineyard is situated in an old riverbed against the eastern hills of the appellation. The gravelly, well-drained soils promote pronounced grapefruit flavors. The Burdon-Shutkowski vineyard is located near Grove Town, at the very southern edge of the Marlborough appellation, and produces fruit with a wonderful balance of herbal and citrus and stony mineral notes.

  • Chateau de Lancyre Pic Saint Loup Rosé 750ML

    Château de Lancyre a big rosé! Raspberry and pear aromas on the nose, with distinctive spicy, minty garrigue notes. Big, bold and firm on the palate, ending with a long, clean finish. A rosé for year round drinking! Excellent on its own, it is also a great food wine - pair with hearty salads, grilled vegetables, kebabs, stuffed tomatoes or charcuterie.

  • Château de Lascaux Coteaux du Languedoc 750ML

    Lascaux grows its fruit in cool vineyards beneath the Massif Central, the huge central plateau of ancient granite and crystalline rock in south-central France near the Languedoc. A blend of 60% Syrah, 35% Grenache, and 5% Mourvedre, it is everything you would hope for in a well-made Languedoc red. This syrah-Grenache blend has a freshness and vibrancy that many wines from the south lack. Plummy, full-bodied, and fresh tasting, there is great balance here, with violet, lavender and slight notes of clove. Blackcurrant characteristics intermingle well with the rest and carry through the long and rich finish. A big mouth-full on the palate.

  • Château de Parenchere Bordeaux Clairet 750ML

    Château de Parenchere Bordeaux Clairet is particularly aromatic and has a very deep red fruit colour. It is also more substantial than traditional rosés, with good body and exuberant fruitiness.

  • Château de Pinet Picpoul 750ML

    This unusual grape variety delivers oodles of seafood-friendly lime and grapefruit-zest spice, underpinned with sufficient fat, yet verdant fruit for balance. The 18th century family château, run by Madame Arnaud-Gaujal and her daughter, produces this stunning wine that is simply superb with fish. Acknowledged by Guide Hachette, it is a fresh, dry white wine with subtle lemony overtones and elegance.

  • Chateau de Saint Cosme Côtes du Rhône 750ML

    The Cotes du Rhone shows bright fruit followed by a well-structured mouth with a good texture. Two sources have composed this wine for many years now: Vinsobres brings the freshness, the complexity, the strenght and the relief. The "villafranchiennes terraces" from the Gard area (huge terraces of rolling stones) generate the color, the power, and the generosity of a southern syrah. The Syrah from the southern Rhone has a fresh fruit full of charm. In this wine, you will find notes of blackcurrant, oriental spices, licorice and violet.

  • Chateau de Saint Cosme Gigondas 750ML

    Chateau de Saint Cosme ginger bread, strawberry, raspberry, white pepper. Bottled without filtration. The co-fermentation of the different grapes together is a technic that has been used for a long time at Saint Cosme, with good results. In the co-fermentation was not only a choice for quality, it was a matter of necesity to get good fermentations and balanced wines. The vintages can be compared but all of them have their own character. The good yields in were probably a good thing because of the heat of the end of august. With lower yields, the alcohol level would have probably gone up too quickly. Mourvedre and syrah played a crucial role: they kept the grenache down. They brought the roundness and the meatiness which make a real Gigondas. The stems brought an important freshness. As usual, time will tell what is the real quality level of this vintage but the quality of the fruit, the association between power and freshness make us think that it is a good one, especially for the late ripening terroirs. 50% of the Valbelle grapes have been used for the regular Gigondas which has now a greater proportion of old vines than usual.

  • Chateau de Saint Cosme Little James Basket Press Blanc 750ML

    Chateau de Saint Cosme version looks like it had been one of the best Little James white. Grapefruit, apricot, boxwood, mango.

  • Chateau des Deux Rocs Prémices Rouge 750ML

    Chateau des Deux Rocs the vines of Jean-Claude's new domaine, Château des Deux Rocs, are located in the isolated Vallé des Crozes. This enclosed valley is protected from the dominating winds of the region and benefits from more than 220 days of sun per year. His vines are planted at nearly 1000 feet above sea level in deep schist soils, higher than anyone in the region has planted before. These elements lend a delicate and finessed nature to both the rosé and red.

  • Château du Cedre Cèdre Héritage Malbec 750ML

    It is inky, spicy Cahors endowed with red and black fruits and smoked fig and liquorice flavours. A mixture of new and old oak, the top cuvees are made from low yields and the oldest vines on the estate. The grape variety here is Malbec (also known locally as Auxerrois), supplemented by smidgeons of Merlot and Tannat.

  • Château du Donjon Minervois Rosé 750ML

    Château du Donjon pink to salmon color. Refreshing aromas include ripe strawberries, red cherries and red plums. Less spicy and herbal but with very pure intense red fruit flavors. Fully dry but ripe and soft, inviting and mouth-filling.

  • Chateau Lagrange Pomerol Pomerol 750ML

    Aromas of espresso roast, subtle pain grille, black currants, and cigar box. Full-bodied and surprisingly powerful for a with outstanding purity, texture, and depth, patience will be required for this beauty." Reviewed by Robert Parker