
  • Carmel Road Pinot Noir Monterey 750ML

    A medium-bodied Pinot Noir with bright, fragrant red berry tones, complemented by a lovely spice nuance and deep earthy notes. The palate echoes the nose, with vibrant acidity balanced by supple texture on a long, velvety finish kissed by the classic mineral undertones.

  • Carmenet Chardonnay 750ML

    Carmenet Chardonnay is a lovely straw-colored wine with hints of apple, banana, and vanilla. This opulent and sensual wine finishes with butterscotch and tropical fruit and ends with a smooth crisp enjoyable finish. Enjoy.

  • Carnivor Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Big and bold in style, Carnivor Cabernet Sauvignon has a deep, inky color that alludes to its rich dark fruit layers. Notes of espresso, toasted oak and chocolate give the sturdy mid-palate an edgy undertone. A plush, velvety mouthfeel creates a refined smoothness that leads the way to a long, silky finish."

  • Carolans Irish Cream

    Carolans Irish Cream is a unique tasting, high quality Irish cream liqueur. The fact that cream liqueurs originated in Ireland is no coincidence since Ireland has a great tradition in producing fine quality dairy products and distilling spirits. (The oldest whiskey distillery in the world was founded in Ireland in 1608.) It is the marrying of these two traditions with Irish expertise that lies behind the success story of Carolans. Carolans combines Irish spirits and whiskey with rich double cream and derives its superior taste from the subtle blending of flavours, principally honey.

  • Carpano Antica Formula Vermouth 1L

    Carpano is an aperitif and is the perfect way to start a meal. Either on it's own or with your appetizer, it stimulates the appetite and will make a good meal great. Carpano Antica Formula is made from the Carpano Distillery's "ancient formula" for (red) sweet vermouth. Carpano Antica Formula is sought after because of its heritage, packaging and refined taste. It is distinguished from other sweet vermouths by its hint of vanilla flavor and aroma. The authentic nature of this vermouth is enhanced by using copies of the original 18th Century label and bottle, with the traditional cork and red seal.

  • Cartlidge & Browne Merlot 750ML

    Cartlidge & Browne the Merlot carries the same complex flavor package as Cabernet Sauvignon, but generally has supple, mellow tannins. Notes of black fruit and briary characters on the nose. The palate will find black cherry and a lush mouth feel and well-integrated tannins, leading to a long finish of spice and berries. This wine is so well balanced with excellent acidity that it will perfectly pair with a number of foods. Will be particularly delicious with encrusted tenderloin or grilled spare ribs with smoky barbeque sauce.

  • Casa Gran del Siurana GR 174 750ML

    Casa Gran del Siurana GR-174 is the name of the lovely path that crosses Priorat. Hiking all along this track is probably the best way to feel its beauty. If you could concentrate in a bottle the ripe fruits aromas and the minerality of its terroir the result would be a wine like this. A blend of Garnatxa, Carinyena and Cabernet Sauvignon which was aged during five months in French oak barrels.

  • Casa Lapostolle Clos Apalta 750ML

    Casa Lapostolle color: Deep purple red color. Nose: Intense and complex, with different layers of aromas such as spices, black and red fruit, herbs and mineral touches of led pencil. Mouth: Elegant balance with velvety and well defined tannins, that evolve towards a concentrated mid palate that is filled with juicy tannins followed by a very long persistence. Service and food pairing: Open and leave to breathe for a couple of hours or carefully decant for minimum 1 hour and enjoy at room temperature; 16 to 18ºC (60 to 65°F). Ideal companion for game, lamb, and entrecote fillet. Also good with rich cocoa chocolate deserts.

  • Casamigos Blanco Tequila 750ML

    Co-owned by actor George Clooney and nightlife impresario Rande Gerber, this blanco is smooth and light. The aromas are restrained, but on the palate look for mild agave sweetness backed by lemon zest, ginger and white pepper sparks, plus a candied lemon-peel note on the gentle exit.

  • Casamigos Reposado Tequila 750ML

    Longtime friends George Clooney, Rande Gerber, and Mike Meldman love tequila. On the rocks, by the shot, at times, straight from the bottle. Tequila-filled nights with friends is how Casamigos was born. Caramel with hints of cocoa on the nose with a silky, medium texture, with balance notes of dry fruits. Medium to long finish. Aged for seven months in American white oak casks that have been reconditioned after originally being used for premium-aged whiskey. To give each tequila its special flavor profile and ensure the finest quality, we use old-style copper-lined pot stills for distillation.

  • Castello Banfi Centine 750ML

    The best tradition of the Sangiovese grape in Tuscany that, with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, allows a youthful and intensely fruity blend. The ideal companion of simple dishes but also suitable for more complex matches. The color is intense ruby red with youthful hints. The bouquet is intense, vinous and spicy in which the Tuscan character of the Sangiovese is perfectly married with the international character of the Cabernet and Merlot. In the mouth, it is gentle, soft and easy-to-drink. Delicious with roasts, game and medium aged cheese.

  • Castello Banfi Chianti Classico 750ML

    Castello Banfi ruby red in color. Intense bouquet with notes of cherries, plums, and violets. Rich flavors of cherry and leather. Supple tannins and good acidity. Perfect accompaniment to a wide variety of foods, including red-sauced pastas, grilled meats and roasts.

  • Castello Banfi Col di Sasso 750ML

    Castello Banfi the wines of Banfi are born of a passion and love for unique terroirs, from continuous research, and from the intimate knowledge of different territories and the ability to marry time tested and respected techniques with innovative solutions in both the vineyard and the winery. The splendid vineyards of Montalcino and Chianti, of Piedmont and the Tuscan coast, are the ideal cradle for wines of great character and outstanding quality.

  • Castello Banfi Rosa Regale 750ML

    Castello Banfi a soft red sparkling wine, made from Brachetto. This extremely aromatic, complexand historical grape variety grows only in the area of Acqui Terme, in Southern Piedmont. light ruby red. Lively pink mousse with a persistent perlage. Intense, aromatic, varietal with hints of Bulgarian rose. Soft and elegant with berry flavours and a touch of almond and nutmeg. This wine matches perfectly with fresh strawberries, fruit cakes, fruit salads, pastriesand chocolates. An ideal aperitif as well.

  • Castello Banfi San Angelo Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Castello Banfi this 100% Pinot Grigio belongs to Castello Banfi estate-bottled single-varietals range. Thanks to the Montalcino microclimate our Tuscan Pinot Grigio adds to the typical aromas of this variety an unusual body, flavour and balance.

  • Castello del Poggio Moscato d'Asti 750ML

    Castello del Poggio sweet but not at all cloying; well-balanced and with an extremely refined fruitiness. Excellent at the end of a meal with desserts or fruit (especially fruit salad). Also delicious with gelato, or just on its own as an accompaniment to conversation among friends.

  • Castello del Poggio Moscato Provincia di Pavia 750ML

    Castello del Poggio Moscato is made from the muscat grape and originates from the Piedmont region of Italy. This wine, which means “Castle on a Hill,” is lightly sparkling, with lush notes of apricot and honey. On its own or paired with a dessert, the wine offers a sweet finish to any meal.

  • Castello del Poggio Rosato 750ML

    Castello del Poggio intense and bright garnet hue, on the cusp of pomegranate, with a delicate mousse. Fruity and floral, with delicate rose and exotic fruit scents. Fresh and pleasantly sweet with a taste that reveals its varietal characteristic. Excellent as dessert wine, it matches perfectly with jam tarts fruit salads and pastry. Also delicious with ice cream, or just on its own, as an accompaniment to conversation among friends.

  • Castello di Gabbiano Chianti Classico DOCG 750ML

    This classic Chianti is clear, deep dark prune red in color, with a floral bouquet reminiscent of pressed violets. The wine also exhibits a unique blend of the pleasant aromas of berries and the classic Chianti aroma of tobacco. It is bold and spicy on the palate, with rounded blackberry accents and smooth tannins. A well balanced body and structure, reveals the exquisite traditional taste. Enjoy with roast pork and risotto in a mushroom sauce or braised meat with stuffing. Perfect for serving with crusty bread and aged soft cheese.

  • Castello di Gabbiano Chianti DOCG 750ML

    Gabbiano Chianti DOCG is a traditional blend of primarily Sangiovese grapes, but also includes small amounts of Canaiolo, Trebbiano, and Colorino grapes. The DOCG designation means this Chianti meets the rigorous winemaking standards set by Italian law and guarantees that the wine is produced using the highest quality of traditional winemaking methods. Only 21 zones in Italy have the prestigious honor of being recognized as meeting the DOCG requirements. After aging for six months in large stainless-steel tanks, the Gabbiano DOCG wine rests for another six months in the bottle before being released. Wine maker notes: This wine is clear, bright and ruby-red in color. The bouquet is reminiscent of ripe plums spiced with pepper and wood nuances. The first sip reveals invigorating flavors of sour cherry, blackberry, and spice followed by a dry vivid finish. This Chianti is bold enough to complement rich and spicy pasta dishes, and is also perfect with tangy chicken or gourmet pizza.

  • Castello di Gabbiano Promessa Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Pale yellow colour; aromas of ripe pear, citrus with tropical notes; dry, light bodied, with citrus, mineral and apple flavours; medium long finish.

  • Castello Vicchiomaggio Ripa della More 750ML

    "60% Sangiovese, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Merlot aged in small barrels for 18-24 months. This is the most full-flavoured of Vicchiomaggio’s wines. All the grapevines are older than 20 years and are pruned according to strict requirements to guarantee a very low yield. This wine is elegant, spicy, peppery, sweet and has a notable wood taste. This is a full-flavoured, vigorous indeed delicious wine, that will ripen well over the years, becoming complex and intense."

  • Catena Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    The Catena Cabernet Sauvignon shows a dark violet color with shades of rubies. On the nose it offers aromas of ripe black currant, sweet spice, red fruits and cassis. On the palate it displays layers of cassis, tobacco and black pepper. This cabernet Sauvignon is an elegant wine with tannins that provide structure and a long, persistent finish.