
  • ChocoVine Chocolate Original 750ML

    Delicious in its classic taste of decadent chocolate, the original ChocoVine is excellent on its own or complementing a cocktail. Perfect for the purist.

  • ChocoVine Chocolate Wine 750ML

    ChocoVine is a fine French Cabernet subtly combined with a rich dark chocolate from Holland, paired together to make a decadent, silky smooth drink. It can be served on the rocks or as the main ingredient to an array of sinful cocktails.

  • Christian Brothers Honey Liqueur 750ML

    The Christian Brothers Honey Liqueur is the ultimate in richness and smoothness. The pure lusciousness of Christian Brothers comes from infusing natural honey with the rich taste of Christian Brothers Brandy. The Brandy used in this premium liqueur is hand selected from premium barrels that have been matured to perfection. Enjoy this honey liqueur straight, on the rocks or with your favourite mixer.

  • Christian Brothers VS Brandy

    The Christian Brothers VS Brandy is distilled using the same time-honored pot still production method used with fine Cognacs. This exceptional American Brandy is then aged for 2 to 6 years in oak barrels. Hand selected barrels are then carefully blended to create unequaled smoothness and full-bodied taste in a brandy that is imbued with layers of well-balanced fruit flavors and a warm, lingering finish. •Pot still production •A blend of American and European Brandies •Aged 2 - 6 years in oak Bourbon barrels •Full bodied, layered with fruit flavors and a lingering finish.

  • Chronic Dead Nuts 750ML

    Chronic Zinfandel is California's heritage grape. We love Zin and love to blend with it even more. It has all the fruit that one could want and is always accepting to bring in some friends to play with. The added spice of Tempranillo compliments the white pepper of the Zin. Then there's the meat, smoke and leather of Syrah, which one can never go wrong with. Add in Petite Sirah and Tannat with its big tannins, and it will always be a game winner.

  • Chronic Sofa King Bueno 750ML

    From Chronic Cellars; "The Rhone King! We take the best of the best, carefully blend them together - and you get Sofa King Bueno. Dark Color, black and red fruits, big game, full tannin and savory flavors are a dream come true."

  • Chronic Spritz and Giggles 750ML

    Chronic Aromas: Pears, Cut Apples, hints of fresh baked bread, light spices and floral notes Tastes: different citrus flavors along with apples and pears.

  • Cigar Box Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Cigar Box Cabernet is full-bodied stylish wine that displays rich ripe fruit characteristics. Plum, cherry, blackberry, blueberry, warm spice, vanilla and tobacco characters are supported by fine tannins. This is a killer Cabernet that will please even the most jaded amongst you! Drink this wine with good food and good friends but it will also make your family somewhat tolerable.

  • Cigar Box Reserve Chardonnay 750ML

    Pale gold in color, the Cigar Box Chardonnay is bursting with luscious tropical fruit characters as well as hints of green apple and orange peel. The wine is silky and luscious yet profoundly refreshing.

  • Cigar Box Reserve Malbec 750ML

    Sourced from a single vineyard, the grapes for this wine were bunch selected and hand harvested. The wine displays aroma of ripe plum and violets along with subtle hints of vanilla. Of great structure, this wine stands out for its meatiness and intense rich flavor while a soft silky finish balances the overall experience. Drink with grilled meat or salmon, or alone in your room with the door locked... you are the boss!

  • Cinerator Hot Cinnamon Flavored Whiskey

    This growing segment of the liqueur category has been stoked by consumers’ interest in all things spicy and hot. Cinerator fuses hot cinnamon flavor with the smoothness of American Whiskey in a 91.1 proof liqueur. Served as a chilled shot or mixed, the growing sub-category of spicy and hot products has set the industry aflame. Cinerator adds a dramatic look and added kick at 91.1 proof to this highly sought after segment of liqueurs. Consumers will be drawn to the stand out look of a red hot label set ablaze by flames and packaging which is a clear and modern representation of the product attributes.

  • Cinzano Rosso Vermouth 750ML

    Very fragrant with a grape and bitters aroma. Strong citrus entry and a fruity grape midpalate; rounds out with pink grapefruit and oranges. Fruity aperitif that tastes sublime on the rocks, but also compliments cocktails very well.

  • Ciroc Red Berry Vodka 750ML

    Infused with a unique balance of fresh wild raspberry and luscious ripe strawberry essences. Strawberry is more prominent in the mix, with a nice level of sweetness and a hint of that herbal, floral character that unflavored Ciroc has. Ciroc Vodka is an utltra-premium vodka that celebrates the uncommon on every level; from the distilled Mauzac Blanc and Ugni Blanc grapes, grown in the historic Gaillac and Cognac regions of France, to the innovative cold fermentation and maceration techniques usually found in winemaking, to its subtle aromatics and smooth, naturally refined taste. Ciroc Vodka releases the true flavors of every cocktail. The sweet complexities of the distilled grapes draw out and complement the flavors of whatever it is mixed with. Add to that Ciroc Vodka distinctively clean finish and absence of alcohol burn, and you have the most uncommon vodka cocktail experience.

  • Citra Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 750ML

    Citra color: Lush ruby with hints of purple. Bouquet: Pleasant, lingering fruit aromas. Taste: Dry, well-balanced and delightfully tannic, with concentrated berry flavors.

  • CK Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon 1.5L

    Our Cabernet Sauvignon has a classically deep red color and is rich with cherry and blackberry flavors that are perfectly balanced with a hint of oak and a long fruit finish. The wine provides a wonderful accompaniment to lamb, grilled steak, roast chicken and hearty pastas.

  • CK Mondavi Chardonnay 1.5L

    Our Chardonnay is medium-bodied with a hint of oak. Aromas of lemon and citrus combined with flavors of apple and pear lead to a delightfully crisp finish. A refreshing wine on its own, this Chardonnay is also the perfect accompaniment to roasted chicken, seafood, hearty cheeses and pastas with cream sauce.

  • CK Mondavi Moscato 1.5L

    Our Moscato has a floral, fruity nose and ends with a sensation of lemon zest on its finish. A refreshing before dinner wine and so perfect to add to party punch. Pair with Latin dishes or Asian cuisine. It’s just right for spicy food!

  • CK Mondavi Pinot Grigio 1.5L

    Our Pinot Grigio is a medium-bodied wine filled with aromas of wildflowers, peaches and pears. Fresh, tropical flavors combined with a touch of spice lead to a delightfully crisp finish. This food-friendly wine pairs well with summer picnics and is delicious as a “cocktail wine.”

  • Clan MacGregor Scotch 80

    Clan MacGregor Blended Scotch Whisky combines the qualities of exceptional taste and fine flavor which are derived from the expert blending of Specially Selected Scotch Whiskies of the finest quality. It is an achievement of perfection, distilled by skilled craftsmen and aged for thirty-six months to create a character of smoothness and taste that is unmatched.

  • Clean Slate Riesling 750ML

    The fresh, balanced taste of clean slate Is achieved by carefully selecting grapes from vineyards throughout the Mosel. The steep blue slopes of the Lower Mosel give the wine its minerality while the Middle Mosel provides a hint of spice to complement the characteristic fresh peach flavors of the Upper Mosel.

  • Cliff Lede Poetry Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Black currant and citrus blossom aromas develop into plum, espresso, and allspice. Fine-grained tannins and a full, rich mid-palate expand through the finish with semi-sweet chocolate, balanced by fresh minerality. This is a well-balanced and elegant wine that will evolve for the next 20 years.

  • Cliff Lede Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Cliff Lede enticing aromas of white peach, cantaloupe, and orange blossom are complemented by bright, citrus notes of lemon curd and zest. Tropical flavors of pineapple and carambola introduce a rich and concentrated palate that finishes with persistent minerality.

  • Clifford Bay Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Our Sauvignon Blanc is all about expressive fruit flavours. The wine possesses a light straw colour and tropical aromas of grapefruit and passion fruit. The palate exhibits the same fine flavours followed by a crisp, dry, mineral finish.

  • Cline Ancient Vines Zinfandel Contra Coasta County 750ML

    Ancient Vines Zinfandel has flavors of dark berries, coffee and chocolate with great vanilla oak character and a long lingering finish. Wonderful, fat strawberry, with coffee and chocolate characters. Ripe fruit and soft tannins make this a mouth-coating rich vintage. Food Pairing Ripe fruit and soft tannins make this mouth coating rich vintage a nice complement to pasta dishes with a light tomato sauce or grilled meats.