
  • Crane Lake Brut Sparkling Wine 750ML

    Toasty baked apples, lemon zest and pears dominate the palate of this quaffable sparkler from California. This wine pairs well with smoked salmon, stuffed mushrooms, Brie and Edamer cheeses. Also try this wine with crab, lobster or creamy pasta with shrimp.

  • Crane Lake Cabernet Sauvignon

    Rich color with notes of blackberry, cherry, raspberry and vanilla. Tannins are soft and layered. “This wine pairs well with aged cheddar and gouda cheeses. Also try it with leg of lamb, rib eye steak or pasta in a marinara sauce.

  • Crane Lake Chardonnay

    Nice value, this offers straightforward aromas and flavors of tropical fruit. Its soft on the palate with a refrenshing finsh. Excellent wine for a casual mid-week meal.

  • Crane Lake Merlot

    The Crane Merlot is sourced from California and offers up palate-pleasing notes of black cherry, wildberry and plum. Each sip is medium-bodied and soft on the tongue, making this a terrific wine for parties, picnics, or quiet dinners at home.

  • Crane Lake Petite Sirah 750ML

    Opens with aromas of blackberry jam. In the mouth, the wine is soft and very fruity with blueberry flavors a bit of white pepper. Its very soft and easy to drink.

  • Crane Lake Pinot Grigio

    Light in color, this Pinot Grigio has aromas of pineapple and pear. Complex flavors include green apple, citrus and melon. Clean soft finish. This wine can be sipped by itself, or enjoyed with a variety of foods. For starters this wine goes well with steamed clams, crab cakes and scallop bisque. For the main course one might try pork tenderloin, roasted chicken, seared Ahi Tuna or a pasta in a cream sauce.

  • Crane Lake Sangiovese 750ML

    This sangiovese has spice and light cocoa notes, red cherry aromas, subtle oak tones, moderate tannin, and crisp acidity.

  • Crane Lake Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Notes of melon, citrus, apple and lemongrass provide a lingering soft finish. This wine pairs well with apples and pears. For the main course try it along with baked chicken, grilled Ahi tuna or Coquille St. Jacques.

  • Crane Lake White Zinfandel 750ML

    Light pink wine with floral and tropical aromas: flavors of strawberry, peach and raspberry with a touch of sweetness.This wine is an easy sipping wine that also pairs well with a wide variety of foods ranging from crab cakes or pâté to spicy Asian dishes, glazed ham, and grilled sea bass.

  • Créme de Lys Chardonnay 750ML

    Our fruit is sourced from prime vineyard sites throughout the North Coast, Central Coast, Clarksburg and Lodi growing areas. The warm California sunshine gives the Chardonnay its ripe tropical notes and lush mouthfeel while the cooling influence from the coast maintains bright acids and crisp citrus notes. The fruit from the cooler climate Monterey vineyards gives the green-apple aromas and a crisp backbone to the wine. To craft a balanced and expressive Chardonnay, Winemaker Jason Dodge began by gently pressing the grapes and placing the juice in stainless steel tanks for fermentation. All of the wine went through complete malolactic fermentation, imparting a rich, creamy mouthfeel. Extended less aging in the tank and barrels, with regular stirring, added weight, depth and complexity. Before bottling, small amounts of Viognier were blended in the wine to boost floral characters. Enjoy this lovely Chardonnay with roasted chicken, poached salmon or creamy risotto.

  • Crios Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Crios wines under her Crios label display ripe fruit flavors, excellent balance and concentration, and are meant to be enjoyed in their vibrant youth.

  • Crios Malbec 750ML

    This glass-staining wine — purple-black in hue, with violet streaks — offers a wide range of aromas and flavors. We noted dark flowers, menthol, tobacco, vanilla, cola, minty chocolate and dark berry fruit, picking up some black licorice and black pepper as it opens up. Quite young now, its thick, medium-grain tannins bode well for the wine to evolve and come together over several years. If you’re not the patient type, decant it and enjoy it with roasted meats hot off the grill.

  • Crios Rosé of Malbec 750ML

    Crios a beautiful, deep, vibrant rosé color. Has a surprising amount of body for a rosé wine, and beautiful aromas of fresh, ripe wild strawberries. On the palate, the flavors of strawberries and young cherries come rushing in, accompanied by some spice notes and a clean, dry finish. This is the perfect chicken wine and a charming companion to mildly spicy Asian cuisine. Keep one in the fridge at all times and you'll always have a delicious wine to enjoy with light snacks and cheeses. Best consumed in its youth.

  • Crios Torrontés 750ML

    Crios after over two decades of winemaking, Susana Balbo developed a strong sense of what she wants from her wines. Her Crios wines display ripe fruit flavors, excellent balance and concentration, and are meant to be enjoyed in their vibrant youth. Crios means "offspring" (as in children). Susana selected this word to express the care and attention she gives them, much like her own offspring. The label features a series of three connected and overlapping hands, an image that represents Susana and her children, José and Ana.

  • Croctails Golden Margarita 375ML

    There are margaritas and then there is the Golden Margarita. A little bolder, a lot smoother and irresistibly refreshing on a hot afternoon, or a cool evening. The finest, freshest ingredients are what make this margarita as good as it gets,as good as gold. Take Croctails to the beach, the pool, the park or the patio. Whenever, wherever, Croctails are always ready to enjoy and ready to go!

  • Croctails Mojito 375ML

    CROCKTAILS are THE hottest mixology wine based cocktails in a pouch. The flexible stand up pouch is economically friendly, comes with a straw and can be served chilled, on the rocks or an icy slush. Its light – weight and portability is perfect for poolside, beaches, picnics, camping, tailgating, stadiums, concerts, golf courses, BBQ’S, boating, cruise lines, inflight, and trains. At the end of your day nothing is more refreshing than coming home to an icy cold CROCTAILS… It’s the perfect end of the day EXTRA SNAP!

  • Croctails Pina Colado 375ML

    EXOTIC and TROPICAL creaminess of a coconut, blended with succulent pineapple juice. Croctails Pina Colada is refreshing with a sweet exotic fragrance……..a tropical swirl hitting your palate. The original Pina Colada cocktail was created by Ramon “Monchito” Marrero, a signature drink at the Beachcomber Bar in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1954. Using the freshest ingredients, Croctails Pina Colada in a convenient portable pouch will transport you into a tropical paradise.

  • Croctails Pomegranate Margarita 375ML

    As the original “forbidden fruit,” the seductive flavor of fresh pomegranate was once reserved only for royalty. Centuries later, the sweet, tart, tantalizing taste of the Pomegranate Margarita has become the royalty refreshing crown jewel of frozen cocktails. Now CROCTAILS offers you the fresh, exotic taste of an authentic Pomegranate Margarita in a conveniently portable CROCTAIL pouch.

  • Croctails Strawberry Daiquiri 375ML

    Sweet, tart, light and refreshing: The perfectly prepared, perfect Strawberry Daiquiri. This frosty Caribbean classic has become an international sensation since it was first introduced more than 90 years ago. Now CROCTAILS offers you the fresh-from-the-blender taste of the delicious Strawberry Daiquiri in a conveniently portable CROCTAIL pouch.

  • Croctails Sweet Tea Lemonade 375ML

    Like a front porch swing on a hot, lazy summer afternoon, Sweet Tea Lemonade has become part of the ritual for down-home southern relaxation. Smooth and mellow. Refreshingly tart. Plus a little extra snap just to make it interesting. Now CROCTAILS offers you the refreshing taste of genuine Sweet Tea Lemonade in a conveniently portable CROCTAIL pouch.

  • Crown Royal

    Crown Royal has a pale copper color. Caramel taffy apple nose. A soft entry leads to a lighter-bodied palate with fainty fruity, caramel notes. Finishes quickly. Only the finest quality blends are used to produce this premium Canadian whiskey.

  • Crown Royal Black

    Crown Royal a bolder, darker and more robust whisky blended at 90 proof, yet with the signature smoothness of Crown Royal. It has a deeper oak background with dark, sweet, maple notes and a light vanilla flavor towards the finish.

  • Crown Royal Special Reserve

    Crown Royal Our Master Whisky Blender, Andrew MacKay, hand selected the whiskies with the body and taste that were necessary for achieving the exceptional depth of Crown Royal Reserve. The end result is his gift to Crown Royal® enthusiasts: a creamy, rich, reserve-grade blend, flush with sharp clove, and cinnamon top points of rye.

  • Crown Royal XO 750ML

    Crown Royal crafted by the Crown Royal Master Blender, XO furthers the Crown Royal® signature blend from 50 of our finest whiskies, and then finishes them in cognac casks. Resulting in both an extraordinary complex and smooth expression, Crown Royal® XO is an elegant whisky that is deliciously balanced with hints of vanilla, spice and rich dry fruit. This extraordinary blend is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks.