  • [yellow tail] Chardonnay

    Rich tropical fruits with a creamy finish. This wine is soft yet fresh with balanced acidity and lingering melons flavors on the tongue.

  • [yellow tail] Moscato

    Yellow Tail Moscato displays lifted aromas of freshly crushed grapes, peach and passionfruit. This lightly frizzante wine tingles in your mouth with lively tropical fruit and underlying spiciness. Best served chilled as an apéritif or with summer salads.

  • [yellow tail] Pink Moscato

    A refreshing, sweet wine with bright strawberry flavors, hints of sherbet and delicate floral notes. The wine has a fine and enticing fizz with a vibrant fresh softness on the palate.

  • [yellow tail] Pinot Grigio

    From the famous Yellow Tail winery comes a crisp and clean wine displaying lovely aromas of passionfruit, lime, upfront fruit flavors and a refreshing finish that is simple and clean. This versatile wine is sure to please almost any crowd as an aperitif, or with appetizers.

  • [yellow tail] Reserve Chardonnay 750ML

    Flavors of melon, peach and tropical fruits with notes of vanilla. Creamy, complex and round. The fresh, cleansing palate lends itself quite easily to spicey Asian foods and compliments Thai prawns or bok choy pleasantly. Seafood and tangy vinegarettes also make great partners to this wine.

  • [yellow tail] Reserve Pinot Grigio 750ML

    A blend of riper fruit from the Riverina and Sunraysia areas, combined with cool-climate for crispness, provides finesse and balance while exhibiting the fruit-forward character. Apple and citrus combine with minerality for a long, elegant finish. A very versatile wine.

  • [yellow tail] Riesling

    A luscious and lively wine, bursting with fresh fruit. You may even catch the hints of orange blossom that linger on the finish.

  • [yellow tail] Sauvignon Blanc

    Yellow Tail Sauvignon Blanc is pale straw in color with vibrant citrus, passion fruit and fresh grassy scents on the nose and a tantalizing palate of limes, tropical fruit and green apples. The lengthy finish shows good depth of flavor with crisp, refreshing acidity.

  • [yellow tail] Sweet White Roo

    A lively, light wine with fresh flavors of fruit and lemon sorbet followed by a sweet, refreshing finish. The wine blend is a full flavor mix of Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon and a mix of other white varietals.

  • [yellow tail] Unoaked Chardonnay

    Hints of citrus, grapefruit and light melon flavors. Unoaked Chardonnay has a lighter, more crisp flavor profile than our traditional [yellow tail] Chardonnay and has no oak aging, hence the name.

  • 14 Hands Chardonnay 750ML

    14 Hands Chardonnay displays aromas and flavors of fresh apple with subtle hints of vanilla and buttery caramel. On the palate, notes of sweet oak and spice give way to a soft, lingering finish. Food Pairing: Chicken kiev, lemon pepper salmon, seafood alfredo.

  • 14 Hands Hot To Trot White 750ML

    14 Hands intense aromas of peach compote with tropical and floral nuances.

  • 14 Hands Pinot Grigio 750ML

    14 Hands Pinot Gris is a juicy, refreshing wine with flavors and aromas of green apple, fresh melon and light notes of honeysuckle. Pair this wine with grilled fish or seafood pasta.

  • 32 Winds Lucky Well Chardonnay 750ML

    32 Winds the nose shows subtle, elegant aromas of fresh Fuji apple, meyer lemon rind, jasmine and honeysuckle. There is mild salinity and crushed oyster shell minerality with hints of white pepper and pear on the back . On the palate a bit of cinnamon and brown sugar spice, vanilla, high toned fruit but balanced throughout, carried through with hints of butter and just the right amount of French oak.

  • 32 Winds Spinnaker Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 750ML

    The Spinnaker Chardonnay displays flavors and aromas of Granny Smith apples, pears, quince, lemon curd and vanilla. It also possesses our trademark vibrant acidity and lovely textural mouthfeel.

  • A by Acacia Chardonnay 750ML

    Aromas of lush white peach, ripe pear, and Meyer Lemon notes. Hints of minerals and citrus blossoms, characteristic of coastal Chardonnay grapes, meld with fragrant vanilla-spice notes from oak aging.

  • A to Z Wineworks Chardonnay 750ML

    Aromas of kiwi, tangerine, honey and melon along with great minerality. Leads to yet more layers of pear and toasted coconut and balanced acidity, give this wine a lingering, delicious finish.

  • A to Z Wineworks Pinot Gris 750ML

    Pinot Gris is bright with tropical aromas of lime, kiwi, orange blossom, and tangerine as well as complex aromas of rose, melon and talc. The attack is lively, juicy and pure with wonderful lush fruit and mineral notes. Tangy citrus flavors combine with ripe peach, pear and quince notes to produce a very pretty and seamless mid-palate. The wine has good weight and great length that ultimately ends with a clean, crisp finish.

  • Acrobat Pinot Gris 750ML

    Acrobat color: Pale straw with golden highlights. Nose: Fresh pear, citrus, honeydew melon. Flavors: Mandarin orange, lemon, kiwi, pear, spice. Mouthfeel: Round entry with nice balance between acidity and residual sugar, clean refreshing finish.

  • Adegas Morgadio Albarino 750ML

    Adegas Morgadio is one hundred per cent Albariño and the end result of the loving care with which we tend the grapes that grow on the Morgadío Estate. From its very first harvest it has been a luxury Rías Baixas wine, a standard bearer for this designation and the outcome of an outstanding Galician winemaking venture. With intense, clean fruity aromas, great structure in the mouth, well-rounded and with a powerful taste. Full and elegant retro olfaction.

  • Adelaida Finder 750ML

    Salivating grapefruit-like acidity leads to secondary impressions of winter melon, citrus zest and lemon verbena. The invigorating personality of the wine further suggests a mineral component complexed by white flowers and a lingering pineapple freshness. While Finder is an admirable sipping white it would pair well with seafood and especially shellfish.

  • Adelsheim Willamette Valley Chardonnay 750ML

    Adelsheim Chardonnay features intense fruit character and a luscious texture. It offers fresh, crisp flavors of pear, white peach, star fruit and kiwi. It pairs well with rich seafood and poultry dishes, and hard Alpine cheeses - comté, fontina, cave-aged gruyère.

  • Alamos Chardonnay 750ML

    The nose offers light tropical fruit aromas with ripe citrus and floral notes. The mouthfeel is full of concentrated apple and pear fruit flavors with tones of vanilla and sweet spice from oak aging.

  • Alamos Torrontes 750ML

    Lively notes of citrus and peach fruit interwoven with delicate layers of jasmine blossom and fresh herbs. The wine is light and fresh on the palate with excellent balance and finishing with bright, crisp acidity.
