
  • Sanguis Levity 750ML

    Grenache and Syrah have been blended together for many centuries – a combination which has proved extremely successful. Both members of the blend (Grenache and Syrah) prefer warm climates, such as those found in southern France, in Spain, and in the warmer New World countries. The most prestigious wines in which these two varieties come together are those of Chateauneuf-du-Pape. Wines made from this blend typically have aromas of stewed plums, black cherries, blueberries, black olives and even a hint of spiced dark chocolate.

  • Sans Liege En Gedi Grenache 750ML

    Sans Liege En Geddi is an uncanny collection of aromas and flavors that occur when Grenache is expertly grown on the hillsides of the Central Coast. With luscious scents of strawberry compote, white pepper, carob, macerated raspberries and fried squash blossoms, it is profoundly rich in flavors of cherries -from tart to sweet, and red to black- while being grounded by dusty rosemary and lavender and white pepper.

  • Sans Liege Sancha Marsanne 750ML

    Sans Liege in the waning heat of August an orange haze appears at the edge of the evening horizon. A wall of dense clouds is gathering like moss on an ancient wall. Your body is heavy with work as you lean on the fence post, watching the storm gain force. The air becomes fluid with a giddy coolness, it carries the scents of butter biscuits, cut straw, white raspberries and sweet grass. You continue to watch, relieved by the breeze, and as the first drops hit the dry earth, you take a pull of sweet tea and let the storm wash over you.

  • Santa Barbara Winery Chardonnay 750ML

    This pale yellow colored Chardonnay from Santa Barbara opens with lemon and creme brulee like bouquet. One the palate, this wine is medium to full bodied, crisp and lively on the palate. The flavor profile is a mild oak infused lemon with notes of tart green apple. The finish is dry and its flavors linger nicely. This Chard will appeal to Sauvignon Blanc and Chard drinkers, as it is a good cross section. I would pair this wine with grilled swordfish with drizzled lemon butter.

  • Santa Barbara Winery Pinot Noir 750ML

    Exhibiting flavors and aromas of black cherry, strawberry, violets and black tea, this wine is the perfect red for light lunches on the patio, lazy afternoons picnicking in the shade or an evening of hors d’oeuvres and aperitiffs at the bistro.

  • Santa Carolina Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Deep purple; red fruit and cassis with soft cedar notes on the nose; a richly structured Cabernet Sauvignon with strong ripe tannins. Ideal to pair with read meats of pasta like pappardelle alla bolognese.

  • Santa Carolina Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Straw yellow colour; grassy, gooseberry and melon nose with ripe citrus fruit flavours; dry, fresh, soft with grassy/citrus notes in the finish.

  • Santa Ema Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Plum and raspberry aromas are fresh, clean and simple. This is a solid, full-bodied Cabernet with currant and plum flavors accented by notes of herbs and spices. A minty, lightly herbal finish feels fresh and healthy.

  • Santa Ema Reserve Merlot 750ML

    Santa Ema deep violet-ruby-red, this Merlot is a very fruity wine with aromas of plums, blackberries, and black currant accompanied by intense notes of caramel, chocolate, and vanilla. It has soft, ripe tannins that lend good structure and balance on the palate.

  • Santa Ema Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Bright straw-yellow, this Sauvignon Blanc has intense aromas of fresh citrus fruits accompanied by notes of apples and pears. It is a fresh young wine with good balance and pleasing acidity.

  • Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio 750ML

    Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio is the benchmark by which all other Pinot Grigios are judged. The wine boasts a fresh, clean fragrance that is followed by a crisp, refreshing flavor with hints of citrus fruits. This wine is well-structured and sophisticated, a perfect choice for entertaining!

  • Santa Rita 120 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Brilliant ruby red colour. An intense bouquet developed through a combination of mature red fruits and plums and vanilla tones with a fine toast from the barrels. Medium body, a fine structure and a nice ending characterise this wine.

  • Santa Rita 120 Carmenere 750ML

    The signature grape of Chile. On the nose, this young ruby-red wine shows the excellent combination of spices and red fruits characteristic of Carménère. On the palate, it has a lovely balance, medium-bodied and round with soft ripe tannins.

  • Santa Rita 120 Chardonnay 750ML

    120 Chardonnay combines grapes from different vineyards from the central zone to obtain a fruity, elegant wine. A fresh, citrus character, while the area closer to the Andes lends tropical fruit notes and a lush mouthfeel. The result is a nicely balanced, greenish-yellow wine that is well rounded and very refreshing.

  • Santa Rita 120 Merlot 750ML

    Ruby with hints of violet, this is a gentle, dry, velvety, fruity wine, offering an elegant yet intense aroma. On the palate, its balanced, with a medium body and round tannins. Fresh strawberry, plum and vanilla scents, complemented by a hint of dried herbs. Well-rounded, fruity flavor, enhanced by soft tannins and a pleasant note of spicy oak

  • Saracco Moscato d'Asti 750ML

    Absolutely enticing, the bright, brisk, effervescent, and beautiful Saracco Moscato di Asti offers a perfumed fragrance that never ends. Notes of fresh apricot and honeysuckle abound. This delicate Muscat drinks well with fresh strawberries, peaches or by itself.

  • Sarapo Family Wines Donato Lot 3 Pinot Noir 750ML

    Sarapo Family Wines Showcasing complimentary Russian River Valley and Carneros fruit sources, Donato Lot 3 is a supple, very pretty Pinot Noir. Punchy aromas of dark cherry, raspberry and baking spices lead to an exuberant medium-bodied wine with a long, clean, spicy finish. The well integrated French oak (40% new) adds a seamless complimentary complexity to the fruit. Versatile with food, Sarapo Donato Lot 3 will easily pair with a range of dishes from wild mushroom bisque to slow roasted pork shoulder to grilled salmon.

  • Sauza 901 Silver Tequila 750ML

    For a super smooth, triple-distilled premium tequila experience that is a cut above the rest. Every bottle of 100% agave Sauza® 901® is carefully crafted using only the finest blue weber agave. 140 years of tequila-making history and one of the greatest creators of our time come together for a distilling process as unique as the bottle in which it’s served. As a longtime tequila lover, Justin Timberlake developed a heightened interest in the spirit on a trip to the tequila heartland of Jalisco, Mexico where he was inspired by the craftsmanship that goes into cultivating a fine tequila. During his visit, Justin was struck with the idea of connecting with his fans by uniting the passion he has for his craft with the art and dedication that goes into every bottle of premium tequila. He set out to tell the story in a way that fully embodies his creative and hardworking, yet easygoing lifestyle. The result is an incredibly smooth premium tequila named for the time when the night gets interesting - 9:01 p.m. After several years of sharing 901® Tequila with fans as his own personal brand, Justin turned to one of the largest and most storied tequila houses in Mexico – Sauza® Tequila - as a means to reach fans in the broadest way possible. The two icons joined forces to change the way people think about premium tequila with Sauza® 901® - creating a co-branded partnership and a one-of-a-kind spirit.

  • Sauza Blue Tequila Reposado 750ML

    Sauza® Blue Reposado Tequila is smooth, 100% Agave Tequila with the fresh agave taste you expect—plus an extra hint of cooked agave and vanilla. Reposado Tequila is "rested" - it is aged a minimum of two months. Color: Pale straw, Aroma: Balanced spices and fresh herbs, Taste: Crisp fresh agave with brown sugar notes, Finish: Medium bodied with a sweet cooked agave finish.

  • Sauza Blue Tequila Silver 750ML

    Offers a sweet agave and peppery flavor combined with hints of honeysuckle. Sauza Blue is made with fresh-pressed agave at its Jalisco, Mexico distillery to specifically emphasize fresh agave notes. Truly balanced, clean, herbal notes. 100% Agave The agave plants are put into tequila production within 48 hours of being hand-picked, then milled and steeped prior to cooking in a process called “Fresh Pressed Agave,” resulting in the freshest, natural, crisp agave flavor.

  • Sauza Conmemorativo Anejo Tequila 750ML

    Conmemorativo is a complex, 100% Agave Añejo Tequila that's both versatile and mixable. Añejo Tequila is aged from one to three years. Color: Bright amber, Aroma: Dried fruit and agave notes with a hint of sweet toasted oak, Taste: Slightly sweet toasted oak and vanilla, Finish: Medium- to full-bodied with a smooth, citrus finish.

  • Sauza Hornitos Anejo Tequila 750ML

    Aged for 12 months in toasted American white oak barrels, Sauza Hornitos Anejo Tequila is the longest-aged Hornitos variant. Its smoothness, complexity and exhilarating flavors and aromas make Sauza Hornitos Anejo Tequila ideal for savoring straight up or on the rocks. It is unique in that it's actually a blend of Anejo and extra Anejo liquid. •Rich agave with sweet vanilla hazelnut and dried fruit taste •Full-bodied with a deep, rich and slightly drying finish •40% alc./vol.

  • Sauza Hornitos Lime Shot Tequila 750ML

    Hornitos is revolutionizing the shot occasion with the introduction of Hornitos Lime Shot, the perfect combination of Hornitos Plata 100% blue agave tequila, the refreshing taste of lime and a hint of salt. This revolutionary spirit helps you start the night off right by transforming the salt-tequila-lime ritual into a single shot that is sinfully smooth and guaranteed to entice even the most discerning drinkers. Double distilled and unaged, Hornitos Lime Shot joins the Hornitos family, including Hornitos Plata, Reposado and Añejo tequilas, which continue to cultivate the best and most flavorful agaves, molding them into premium spirits that everyone can enjoy. So grab your friends, enjoy a shot, and grab life by the Hornitos.

  • Sauza Hornitos Plata Tequila

    No aging is required for Hornitos Plata, which is the purest expression of the powerful 100% agave flavor unique to Hornitos. Double distillation and gentle agave extraction preserve the lively agave flavor and smooth character but with less complexity than Hornitos Reposado. Plata is a classic blanco tequila, a pure embodiment of the clean, natural flavors of the finest agave. Its floral, herbal notes are perfectly complimented by hints of clove, almond and fresh wood, coupled with a zesty finish.