
  • Smirnoff Vanilla 750ML

    Vanilla flavored Vodka is made with the essence of vanilla flavors and vodka distilled from the finest grains and filtered in a unique process.Triple distilled, ten times filtered.

  • Smirnoff Watermelon 750ML

    Smirnoff Watermelon Flavored Vodka is made with the essence of watermelon flavors and vodka distilled from the finest grains and filtered in a unique process.

  • Smirnoff Whipped Cream 750ML

    "Smirnoff Whipped Cream is a whole new kind of vodka: it feels smoother, it tastes sweeter and it smells like heaven. You won't be able to decide whether Whipped Cream tastes best in a shot, on the rocks or as a mixer - we dare you to try!

  • Smith and Hook Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Smith and Hook showing off spicy aromas and fruity flavors, this robust Cabernet is perfect pairing for BBQ! This maroon beauty shows an elegant balance of fruit and oak. Aromas of cedar and cassis jump out of the glass, while the palate evokes flavors of black cherries and dark chocolate. This dark and dense wine shows strong tannins from the first sip with a dry finish balanced by hints of vanilla and cloves.


    So original it brings original meaning to the word original. Packed with roasted peanuts, nougat, caramel and milk chocolate. SNICKERS® Brand handles your hunger, so you handle the things in life that aren't related to hunger at all.

  • Sobieski Vodka

    Sobieski Vodka has an exceptional story that doesn't need all the gimmicks. It begins in Poland's rich Mazowse fields where the golden Dankowski Rye is harvested. This grain has been recognized for centuries for its distinctive character. Our crystalline water from Oligocene springs contributes to the silky finish of this noble spirit. It is then continuously distilled, creating one of the purest and smoothest vodkas in the world. Sobieski Vodka represents a careful blend of authenticity and modernity that enables us to meet the strict requirements of the Polish Product Origin Control System. In other words, making vodka in Poland, of Poland, is what's required to call Sobieski true Polish Vodka. Or as you'd say it in Gdansk, Wódka Polska.

  • Sobieski Vodka Variety 8PK 50ML

    Sobieski Vodka makes no compromises on quality and exemplifies the height of Polish craftsmanship and authenticity. Building on a noble heritage, Sobieski Vodka is produced exclusively from the revered Dankowski rye at the Starogard Gdanski distillery dating back to 1846.

  • Sokol Blosser Dundee Hills Pinot Noir 750ML

    Sokol Blosser Dundee Hills Pinot Noir is perfumed with notes of black cherry, the bright red fruits of raspberries and cranberries, earthy, and toasty oak char; leading to a wine smooth on the entry, red fruit carried throughout but with black cherry weighing in on the mid pallet and finishing with hints of cola and cassis. The signature Jory soil terroir with its spicy mineral finish is well represented in this wine. Possessing great depth of pure fruit flavor, strong structure, acid, and persistent length, this wine is worthy of lengthy aging, and with proper cellaring can be enjoyed for the next ten to fifteen years.

  • Sokol Blosser Pinot Gris 750ML

    Sokol Blosser our Willamette Valley Pinot Gris is one of our most popular wines. No surprise there since it's considered one of the finest Pinot Gris' to emerge from this Oregon winegrowing region. The grapes are farmed from the hills; most come from our vineyards and those are organically grown. We press the grapes as whole clusters. They're given a slow, cool fermentation in stainless steel for approximately three weeks. This gives the wine a firm, focused backbone coupled with a lush creaminess. Besides the apple/fig/citrus and spice, our Pinot Gris has complex undertones of earth and mineral with aromas that will develop over time. Properly cellared, our Pinot Gris will continue to evolve for up to 10 years. PAIRINGS: Seafood (crab, oysters, halibut), herbed chicken, linguine soft artisan cheeses, fresh fruit... all harmonize brilliantly with a glass of our Pinot Gris by their side.

  • Sol Mexican Beer 6PK 12oz

    Sol is a festive and refreshing golden colored Pilsner-style beer with a fresh malty, fruity-lemony flavor and a soft, quenching dry finish. Serve it chilled in the bottle, garnished with a fresh wedge of lime in the neck to accentuate the floral citrusy aroma of the beer. Great with lemony dishes like salads, fish, and chicken satays or spicier food like nachos, tacos or Thai dishes or summer BBQs.

  • Soléna Hyland Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ML

    Soléna this is our first Pinot Noir from the Hyland Vineyard. Aromas of rose petals, Asian spice and dark berry fruit are subtly complimented by lavender and wet stone. The wine has clean, elegant flavors of blackberries, raspberries and blueberries, and a hint of spice and minerality. The wine is incredibly balanced with lively but not overpowering acidity, a lush mid- palate, and a lovely long finish.

  • Some Young Punks The Squids Fist 750ML

    Some Young Punks a typically vibrant, juice-fuelled drop of liquid elixir. Suave, perfumed black and dark fruits, cherry essence, spice, dark chocolate and liquorice. There is a complexing hint of 'old-world' earthy rusticity flowing cheek by jowl with great vitality, freshness and presence on the palate.

  • Sonoma Coast Vineyards Pinot Noir 750ML

    This Pinot noir is the most concentrated and complex Sonoma Coast blend we have bottled to date. Showing aromas of dark cherry, pomegranate and sweet oak, its textures are lush, yet taught, with a subtle edge of acidity. This wine is drinking well now and will continue to evolve over the next several years.

  • Sonoma-Cutrer Les Pierres Chardonnay 750ML

    This vintage is loaded with aromas of lemon and lime, and accented with hints of Bosc pear, caramel, oak spice and the familiar, flinty, mineral notes that are a defining characteristic of our Les Pierres Vineyard. The citrus flavors of grapefruit and lime are complemented and balanced with toasty, caramelized oak, and spice. Our careful approach to oak aging and fermentation creates a round, full mouthfeel with Sonoma-Cutrer’s signature bright and lively citrus-laced acidity and a long, lingering finish of nice barrel spice.

  • Sonoma-Cutrer Russian River Ranches Chardonnay 750ML

    Aromas of Fuji apple, fresh roses, lime, lemon blossom and nectarine are complemented with touches of nougat, baking spices and Sonoma-Cutrer’s signature wet stone minerality. True to the Russian River Ranches style, the wine is elegant and balanced with a nice, bright acidity and a long focused structure. Crisp and zesty flavors of lemon drop, lime and grapefruit are accented with a nice barrel spice. A light, creamy mid-palate flows into a crisp, citrus acidity rounding out to a long and persistent finish.

  • Soter Planet Oregon Pinot Noir 750ML

    Soter our mission is to craft and bottle delicious young Pinot Noir that is fresh, silky and suggestive of Oregon summer fruits... cherries and berries of all kinds. We insist on sourcing from certified sustainable vineyards and bottle in a certified sustainable winery. Our prod- uct is honest and progressive; it is 100% Oregon Pinot Noir that is uninhib- ited by unfriendly pesticides, unecessary processing or pompous packaging. We encourage you to partake of this wine early, purchase often and share with people who appreciate the integrity of a local product produced with conscience and passion. Sustainably grown and produced Oregon Pinot Noir that is palatably priced to be enjoyed early and often. Planet Oregon is crafted to reach a broader audience and embodies the conscious choice we all have to endorse and support truly sustainable practices. $1 from the proceeds of every bottle sold in Oregon is pledged to the Oregon Environmental Council.

  • Soter The Finale Proprietary Red 750ML

    Soter unmistakably exotic Cabernet Franc notes of blueberries, violets and cigar box lead the initial aromatic burst. The wine is robust and precisely focused on the palate adding additional flavors of black currant, cassis and dark chocolate with subtle tertiary notes of slate and iron. Richly textured - both silky and velvety - it finishes with fascinating complexity to ponder and enjoy.

  • Soul Sister Pinot Noir 750ML

    Soul Sister Pinot Noir is an expressive, rich ruby wine with flavors of ripe cherries and strawberries, a hint of vanilla and a smooth finish. It's our pick for grilled chicken night!

  • Southern Comfort 70 Proof

    Southern Comfort is a fruit, spice, and whiskey flavored liqueur produced since 1874. It is made from a secret blend of whiskey peach brandy, orange, vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon flavors

  • Southern Comfort Black Cherry 750ML

    Infused with natural cherry to deliver an authentic taste that's smooth and invigorating, Southern Comfort Bold Black Cherry has been designed to appeal to a broad age range and meet consumer demand for great tasting flavors that are unique. Southern Comfort was created by New Orleans bartender, Martin Wilkes (M.W.) Heron in 1874. After experimenting with a variety of fruits, spices and other spirits, Heron struck on the perfect combination creating a one-of-a-kind blend of whiskey, fruit, and spice flavors.

  • Southern Comfort Lime 55 750ML

    This is the one that has lime flavor in it for all the times you want lime in your Southern Comfort, but you're using your hands to squeeze things like jujitsu moves and don't have time for citrus.

  • Souverain Cabernet Sauvignon North Coast 750ML

    This nicely balanced Cabernet Sauvignon is well-structured with fine-grained tannins that lead to a long, powerful finish. This Cabernet Sauvignon is round, balanced and inviting. Rich aromatics of roasted coffee, black and red fruit on the nose lead to flavors of black cherry, black plum and blackberry on the palate.

  • Souverain Chardonnay North Coast 750ML

    This classic Alexander Valley Chardonnay offers vibrant aromas of fresh lemon, yellow apple and white peach. On the palate the wine has a nice viscosity and creamy texture with flavors of lemon, stone fruit, clove and a hint of minerality. The wine has vibrant acidity and a long, lingering finish.

  • Souverain Merlot North Coast 750ML

    "Deep ruby in color, this dense and concentrated Alexander Valley Merlot offers classic aromas of ripe black plum, blackcurrant and blueberry with hints of violet and clove. The core of vibrant fruit balances nicely with the fine-grained tannins, creating a plush and juicy mouthfeel."