
  • Spann Vineyards Betsy's Backacher Bottle Blonde 750ML

    Spann Vineyards perfectly proportioned, easy on the palate. Ready for a walk on the beach or a candlelight dinner. With this blond you'll have more fun.

  • Spann Vineyards Mo Zin 750ML

    Spann Vineyards Zinfandel creates a marvelous base of raspberry and blackberry flavor while the mourvèdre adds a raspberry aroma and a meaty/beefy taste plus the backbone necessary to make these combined flavors stand up in the mouth. Syrah ads a black plum note and extra richness. This Provence-inspired wine was made to be immediately enjoyable but will also improve and gain complexity in the bottle for 5 to 8 years after the vintage date. As this ages, more of the leathery/raspberry notes from the mourvèdre will appear. It has a food-friendly, graceful balance between fruit and oak and matches well with everything from grilled ahi tuna to Italian red sauce dishes to lamb and red meats and can handle spicy or peppery foods as well.

  • Spaten Optimator Beer 6PK 12oz

    The classic German dark beer, bottom fermented ’Doppel Bock’. Full bodied with a deep dark color and rich roasted malt flavor.

  • Spellbound Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML

    Spellbound our Spellbound Cabernet Sauvignon showcases lush texture and bold dark fruit flavors with a slight hint of oak and spice. Cedar and tobacco aromas complement integrated lively tannins and fill out your palate, allowing the wine to be consumed on its own or with your favorite food. The Spellbound Cabernet Sauvignon continues to be one of our shining stars because of the wine's balance and intensity of flavors.

  • Speri Amarone della Valpolicella Classico Vigneto Monte Sant’Urbano 750ML

    Speri Wine is characterized by the deepest color and very, very intense bouquet with spicy, aromatic and jammy notes combining power and finesse, prelude to a palate that is rich, sensuous, highly structured and complex, lingering on and on. This majestic, complex, luscious wine is not for every day. Enjoy alone as a vino da meditazione, or pair with structured, important dishes.

  • Spring Valley Frederick Corkrum Red Wine 750ML

    The nose is packed with ripe strawberry, raspberry and cherry fruit as well as a lot of floral undertones. The structure of this wine is abundant with juicy, velvety tannins. The Frederick-a Bordeaux blend of 54% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Merlot, 5% Cab Franc and a splash of Petit Verdot-is entirely estate-grown, as are all of the Spring Valley wines. Located north of Walla Walla, in rolling wheat country, the vines attain a different set of flavors than anywhere else in the valley.

  • Spring Valley Uriah 750ML

    Spring Valley this tenth vintage of Uriah is one of the best expressions of our unique Spring Valley terroir. The nose is extremely refined and complex with scents of bright currant, clove, licorice, wheat, cigar box, almond paste, and orange extract. The palate is rich with bright acid and ripe cherry flavors, and polished tannins linger on a very long finish rich with notes of roasted coffee.

  • Springbank Campbeltown Single Malt Scotch 10 year old 750ML

    Springbank is one of the very few spirits not to be chill-filtered before bottling. Springbank is truly the most complex and exciting of all malt whiskies. On the nose, this remarkable whisky is extremely aromatic. On the palate, this 10 year-old is both malty and sweet with a long elegant finish. An excellent malt with maturity well beyond its years. 70% Bourbon Cask, 30% Sherry Cask.

  • Spy Valley Sauvignon Blanc 750ML

    Spy Valley color: Pale Straw. Bouquet: A myriad of herbs - sage, oregano, black pepper, with green ginger and a grapefruit / tropical fruit background. Palate: The initial feel is full and soft. Layers of fresh fruit unfold to more savoury notes and an invigorating finish.

  • St - Francis Cabernet Sauvignon Sonoma County 750ML

    Ripe, rich, chewy blackberry and black currant flavors lead onto this wines lush, velvety palate followed by impressions of cedar, tobacco, spice and vanilla with supple, round tannins on the finish.

  • St - Francis Red Splash Sonoma County 750ML

    A blend of three Bordeaux varietals, primarily Cabernet Sauvignon, this elegant and silky wine exhibits aromas of black cherry, vanilla, cedar and licorice. On the palate, flavors of juicy cassis and black cherry cola merge with sweet tobacco.

  • St-Germain 750ML

    An exquisite concoction made from handpicked elderflowers blossoms from France. A seductive bouquet introduces a soft, floral sherbet lemon, pear and passionfruit style liqueur that's integrated, harmonious and beautifully balanced. A near perfect very special liqueur.


    TASTING NOTES: “St-Rémy VSOP conveys the taste of small, freshly-picked red berries, while bringing out the sweet vanilla flavour of oak. It is a rounded, balanced spirit that is easy to drink. With its light and subtle nose, St-Rémy VSOP is excellent served as an aperitif or in cocktails.” APPEARANCE: Amber-yellow colour with golden highlights. NOSE: The light alcohol notes are quickly replaced by a wonderful aromatic richness with fruity cherry, gooseberry and wild strawberry flavours. Floral aromas blend subtly with the woody and vanilla tones of oak. The overall effect is pleasing, harmonious and smooth. PALATE: Rounded and smooth on the palate, the sweet, red berry flavour soon becomes more intense.

  • St. Clement Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 750ML

    Cabernet Sauvignon gives a classic example of Napa Valley, combining valley floor terroir and mountain fruit power. An aromatic bouquet of sweet dark cherry, blackberry, plum and red berry is followed by an attractive clove spice. The bright and juicy palate intrigues with hints of mint and cocoa, and finishes with intense fruit and fine-grained tannins.

  • St. Gabriel Riesling 750ML

    St. Gabriel this Riesling has crisp, sweet aromas and flavors of green apples, limes and passion fruit. Pairs well with salads, chicken, spicy dishes or fruit.

  • St. James Winery Blackberry Wine 750ML

    Is it fresh picked blackberries in a bottle or St. James Winery Blackberry wine? Tough call. Sweet and delicious served chilled with your favorite dessert or for no reason at all, except to enjoy.

  • St. James Winery Blueberry Wine 750ML

    Fresh from the field blueberry aromas and flavors! St. James Winery Blueberry Wine is delicious served chilled with your favorite dessert, especially if that dessert is ice cream covered in Blueberry Wine Sauce.

  • St. James Winery Cherry Wine 750ML

    Sweet and tart, St. James Winery’s Cherry Wine is better than rip cherries fresh from the tree. Tastes great with grilled pork or, for dessert, with milk chocolate.

  • St. James Winery Raspberry Wine 750ML

    Bright, intense fresh raspberry aromas and taste. Enjoy St. James Winery’s Raspberry Wine with a variety of cheeses, chilled with cheesecake or just for sipping.

  • St. James Winery Strawberry Wine 750ML

    Fresh picked strawberries never tasted this good. St. James Winery’s Strawberry Wine, made from sweet vine-ripened strawberries, is excellent served well chilled, especially for dessert with pound cake or milk chocolate.

  • St. James Winery Velvet Red 750ML

    The Concord grape is a robust and aromatic grape variety perfectly suited to grow in our region. Native to North America, Concords thrive in our vineyards during Missouri’s hot, humid summers. The grapes ripen early and once fermented make a rich, aromatic, velvety smooth, sweet red wine.